    关键词  修辞   女性广告语   修辞运用   语言特色   
    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
    Title  The Analysis of Women Advertising Language Under The Perspective of Rhetoric
    In modern society, with the development of the advertising undertakings, advertising language’s unique style has been gradually formed. Among these elaborate advertisements, many of them are aiming at women. This kind of advertisements show originality to use the figures of speech, in order to achieve the goal of marketing products. The use of rhetoric devices brings up a series of linguistic features of female advertising language. This article will focus on analyzing the Chinese and English female business advertising language, which is mainly in the aspect of rhetoric devices and the linguistic characteristics in order to reveal the charm of female advertising language to readers. From the analysis, we will see that rhetoric is the soul of the women advertisements, especially that the use of some figures of speech makes the female advertising language colorful, lively and interesting. By using proper rhetoric devices, the female advertising language owns the linguistic features, such as emotionality, detail-loadedness and implicitness. In this way, it attracts women with charming and beautiful advertising language, which make them take action to achieve the purpose of advertising.
    Keywords   rhetoric   female advertising language   rhetoric application   linguistic feature
    Table of Contents
    1  Introduction1
    1.1  Research Background1
    1.2  Research Design.3
    2  Advertising Language and Rhetoric3
    2.1  Definition of Advertising Language .3
    2.2  The Overview of Rhetoric.4
    3  Rhetoric Applied in Female Advertising Language.5
    3.1  Application of Figures of Speech in Female Advertising Language .5
    3.1.1  Application of Pun.5
    3.1.2  Application of Metaphor .7
    3.1.3  Application of Euphemism.7
    3.1.4  Application of Metonymy9
    3.1.5  Application of Rhetorical Question9
    3.1.6  Application of Exaggeration10
    3.2  Linguistic Features of Female Advertising Language11
    3.2.1  Emotionality.11
    3.2.2  Detail-loadedness.15
    3.2.3  Implicitness16
    1 Introduction
    Advertising can induce consumers’ interest and feelings to cause their desire to buy the goods, promoting shopping behaviors. The advertising language has seen a growth in the popularity in consumers and common people, which is because of its characteristics of conciseness, vividness, popularity and phonological harmony. In the aspect of rhetoric, the advertising language has even more outstanding characteristics.

    The rhetoric of advertising language is a kind of language phenomenon in the business activities, especially in the economic communication produced by the developed exchange of commodities. When advertising goods, disseminating the image of enterprises, and promoting the commodity-sale process, people tend to make full use of various language devices, consider and refine advertising language to make it perfect. This is just the rhetoric phenomenon of advertising language.
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