In short, although many studies have been made of the relationship between business negotiation and business etiquette, there seems to be no article mentioning the taboos of etiquette in cross-cultural business negotiation, so it is necessary to spend time researching the taboos of etiquette in cross-cultural business negotiation from greetings, dressing, gift giving and dining。

3。Taboos of Etiquette in Cross-cultural Business Negotiation 

Business etiquette is a rich concept, and it includes all the interpersonal skills in the workplace, and it covers all aspects of the communicative activities。 Business etiquette refers the business staff always show respect and friendly to others to portray the good image of their company。 Business etiquette is a basic part in business activities。 “Courtesy costs nothing, but can buy everything。” by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (Ann 12)。

Today, more and more business elite have recognized the importance of business etiquette。 Business etiquette is an integral part of company culture and company idea。 In business activities, the negligence of any a tiny detail of etiquette, which is likely to bring bad image to them and their company, even they would lose an important customer (Hu 4-5)。文献综述

Generally speaking, someone's common behaviors always represent his quality education and personalities (Yuan 33-39)。 So business man should do everything with business etiquette in cross-cultural business negotiation。

What’s more, the taboo of business etiquette is a unique business activity; people usually consider the taboo with cultural beliefs。 There are many things seemed as taboos such as objects, people, and places, which means they are forbidden。 If someone can't comply with taboos, he is impolite and unwelcome。 “Taboo is one way in which a society expressed its members either for supernatural reasons or because such behavior is hired to violate a moral code。”(Wardhaugh 310)。 For the moment, taboo is a social phenomenon, so people should know how to avoid them。

3。1 Taboos of greeting

First impression is mighty powerful。 You don't get the second chance, and we all want to be treated with respect, and it starts with the very first greeting。 

In business negotiations, the meeting between two sides is an important part。 In this process, handshake should be noted。 Introduction refers to both sides of the main negotiators for all members of one's own presentation, which adheres to the principles of etiquette including ladies first and somebody occupies important positions first。 And Miss, Mrs。 and Mr。 are usually used in meetings。 In our country, most Chinese like to call others "comrade", while in some western countries, "comrade" and "gay" in the same sense, this appellation should be prohibited in business negotiations in order to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding。 

3。1。1 The significance of handshake

UK - based etiquette expert Rachel Holland is a firm believer in the primacy of the handshake。 Handshake is a common etiquette in people's social communication in daily life。 It is an important way for different people to communicate with each other, and it is also a useful tool in modern communication and social etiquette。 Handshake used to be etiquette in meeting and reconciliation, and it usually represents people’s expression in congratulation, gratitude and encouragement。 For example, if someone achieved success, his friends would express congratulation and encouragement with handshake when giving gifts or making a congratulatory speech。来*自~优|尔^论:文+网 +QQ752018766*

Handshake is a very simple act, but it represents the image of somebody and his company, which is vital for business negotiation。 In China, people always shake hands lightly, while occidental always shake firm hands to show their confidence, they think shaking hands lightly mean weakness。

















