5。2 Strategies for Chinese-English advertising translation。12


Works Cited。14 

1。 Introduction 

The thesis starts with a literature review on advertisement, advertising language, cultural factors in advertising and advertising translation。 Furthermore, by citing and analyzing plenty of Chinese and English advertisements, the cultural differences between them are explored。 Chinese culture is characterized by the philosophical viewpoint of “Oneness between Man and Nature’’ and collectivism while Western culture by “Dividedness between Man and Nature” and inpidualism。 Chinese people are implied, imaginative and tend to think in circular way; they used to adopt indirect expression and show great respect for authorities, while in Western countries, people tend to have a linear way of thinking, and they like to express themselves in a direct way and seek for  personal values。 Besides, Chinese people attach great importance to tradition and static lifestyle while Westerners often pursue change and dynamic lifestyles。 Based on the above analysis, the discourse explore the principles and strategies of Chinese-English advertising translation。 Plenty of examples have cited that unconventional translation gravely have impact on market of Chinese products in other countries。 Therefore, when translating Chinese advertisements, people should take cultural background and social values of the target language countries into consideration, and make greatest efforts to transmit the hope-for consequence of these advertisements。 Only in this way can Chinese advertisements and products be accepted and appreciated by consumers in Western countries。论文网

2。 Literature Review

2。1。 The definition of advertisement

The definitions of advertising may vary from different perspectives。 Advertising initially meant ”news”, and after the 15th century, it developed into “to attract one’s attention to something。” Moreover, in the 16th century, it became “to make universally known。”

It was not until the 18th century that advertising became a complete commercial activity。 In English, the word ’’advertise’’ has its origin in “advertere” in Latin, which means to inform somebody of something’’。 With the speed development of society, languages changes and the meaning of ”advertise’’ extended to attract people’s attention to certain information。 Up to now, lots of specialists have defined the word in various versions of its use。

2。2 The purposes of advertisement

Advertising is aimed at transmitting the information to customers and prospective customers。 The intention of advertising is to convince consumers that a company's goods, ideas or services are the best, enhance the image of the company, point out and make a motivation for products or services, show new uses for established products, announce new products and programs, strengthen the salespeople's inpidual information, attract consumers to the product, and to hold existing consumers。 It is universally known that advertising is used to inform, persuade, and inform the target consumers of the goods, ideas or services。 Undoubtedly , the fundamental purpose of advertising is to promote the goods, ideas or services。 Firstly, the purpose of a good advertisement is to attract attention。 That is to say, when a commodity comes on the market, the advertising objective is to make people to pay attention to it。 Only when the advertising is noticed by the consumers, the following steps are possibly to come true。 Secondly, advertising has to convince the readers that the product will give them a need which they have not felt before。 Thirdly, advertising must motivate the desire of the potential consumers to buy the advertised product, service or idea。 Afterwards, advertising must convince the customers that the specific brand advertised is superior to other similar brands。 Ultimately, advertising should stimulate the consumers to take actions to try or buy what is advertised。 When consumers take actions, advertising finally accomplish its purposes。文献综述

















