4。2。1 Correct Teachers’ Attributions 10

4。2。2 Instruct Underachievers to Attribute Correctly and Positively 11

4。2。3 Build Underachievers' Confidence 11

4。2。4 Build Sense of Self-Efficacy。 12

5。 Conclusion and Limitation 14

References 15

1。 Introduction

1。1 Research Background

Education is the eternal theme of humanity。 Countless scholars studied how to make education more impactful diligently。 And they are still holding on this job, because education leads to the progress of human beings, and it leads to the future of humanity。 Nowadays, quality education shows its importance deeper and deeper。 And new teaching standards for education also points out a more clear direction for us。 Education is for all students, education is organized around the development of all students, and education is for the development of all aspects for a student。 Therefore, in order to make education more effective, we need to focus on all students and we need learn to take better teaching methods。 However, there’re a group of students called underachievers。 

The term “underachievers” came into use comparatively recently。 What’s the meaning of it? It means learning disability。 “Learning disability” became a new word by the study of Samuel。 A。 Kirk, who was an American psychologist and educator, best known for coining this term。 He delivered a speech to an education conference and first used and defined the term “learning disability”。 He used this term to describe the children who performed weakly at school。 He commented in his masterwork “Educating Exceptional Children” that some have difficulty learning to read, to spell, to write, or to listen and there are children who are not receptive to English but are not deaf; who are not able to perceive visually but are not blind; and who cannot learn by ordinary methods of teaching but are not mentally retarded。 All of these children are learning disabled。 (Miao,Q。S, 2006)  Юрий Константинович Бабанский, the educator in the former Soviet Union, believes that underachiever refers to the student who needs to spend more time and energy than other students to gain knowledge and skills。 (谢斌, 1998) And underachievers refer to those students temporarily lagging behind in virtue, moral conduct or learning。 (Q, Xu, 2009) In Wenfang Wang’s study underachievers can normally be pided into three groups: students with bad characters; students with bad courses grades; students with bad characters as well as bad courses grades。(王文芳, 2011) In Wikipedia, it says an underachiever is a person and especially a student who fails to achieve his or her potential or does not do as well as expected。 Nowadays, when people research the meaning of “underachiever” on Internet, it says that underachiever refers to a person, especially, a child who performs worse or achieves less success than expected。 In this study, it considers underachievers as students with bad courses grades, which is less than 60 for 100。 Generally speaking, underachievers are classified into 2。 One is students with mental deficiency, and the other is students without mental deficiency。 Obviously, it’s easier to transform those without mental deficiency, since personal ability is something that no one can change。 To some degree, it’s hard for underachievers to make progress in learning, they cannot get the sense of achievement, they cannot catch the teacher’s directive in class, they cannot get the key points of learning and they have no idea about what has learnt。 And day by day they will lose their interest of learning, be unwilling to take part in the activities in class, and always be underachievers。 论文网

















