In the student-centered Mind Map mode, Emmelien Merchiea, Hilde Van Keera [2012] found that various learner characteristics may affect students such as gender, motivational factors。 But the results are not concrete and ignore how students structure their mind map。 Besides, the experiment subject is students in grade 5 and 6 but not middle school students。 Zhang Chun[2005] found that the main type of Mind Map used by middle school students are charts, brainstorm, trees, chains, problem/solving, interactions, sketches and circles。 However, neither of these studies focuses on how middle school students structure their mind map so that the concrete differences and characteristics of middle school students’ Mind Maps are still unknown。 Middle school students structure their Mind Maps in their own way。 Different students use Mind Map with various styles and characteristics, which may totally different from adults or teachers。Therefore, study on how middle school students structure their mind map can indicate the characteristics of middle school students’ thinking mode and factors influence students’ understanding of reading text so that teachers, as a better facilitator, can help students to structure an adaptive and right Mind Map。文献综述

3。 Methods

3。1 Experiment process

    The research are carried out with 3 groups of middle school students。 Each group has 2 classes and each class has 42 students。 And they are respectively in Grade7, 8 and 9。 The choice of students is random。 In the experiment, when the reading lesson comes to the post-reading phase, students are introduced with Mind Map and then asked to retell the text。 Teachers concretely explain the Mind Map and how to structure their own Mind Map。 And then each student in each group is asked to design a mind map by themselves。 Students should finish one piece of Mind Map in 10 minutes。 After that, some of students are invited to retell the text according to their Mind Maps。 In the experiment, 3 different types of reading texts including Exposition, Argumentation and Narration on students’ text book are chose as the mind mapping object。 Besides, under the help of other teachers and their guidebooks, I made the Mind Maps for every texts in as the reference, which here represents the Mind Map made by adults or teachers。 

Exposition Argumentation Narration

Grade 7 My Family About my sister and me About Lin Mei’s experience in one day 

Grade 8 About Mickey Mouse Who’s Got Talent About Jane’s vacation 

Grade 9 An Accidental Invention How can you become a successful learner Full Moon, Full Feelings

3。2 Aims and significance

    The participants in this research are middle school students, for they are at the most creative and thoughtful age and they have some foundation of English。 To use Mind Map as the memory and examination aids in the post-reading phase is an appropriate, feasible and effective way to study on how students structure their Mind Maps。 As variety of the literary types, the types of the reading texts can be an important element to affect on the results of the experiment。 Therefore, 3 main and common types of reading texts are chosen in the experiment -- Exposition, Argumentation and Narration。 Besides, in order to adapt to students level of English learning, the texts on text book as the most familiar and adaptive material are picked。 Finally, retelling aims to check the influence of the Mind Map。来,自,优.尔:论;文*网 +QQ752018766-

















