
    Involved in the impact of globalization, culture is conducting an unprecedented exchange of modern advertising. It is a new generation of cultural patterns of social advertising. Through efforts to explore the cultural differences of Chinese and Western advertising, we must be able to feel the pulse of Chinese advertising culture, identify the weaknesses of China's advertising culture, and follow the example of the creation of the essence of western culture

    2. The research background
    Have sensed the spiritual vibration and shock brought by the tide of the globalization of economy and culture.
    Marx(The economic and philosophical manuscripts,1884) had pointed out that the history of mankind is a history of “nature evolving for human being”. This means that the natural living conditions of inpiduals are replaced by those humanized cultural conditions. It also means that the sole ethnic cultural background is replaced by national cultural background The world’s culture is experiencing an unprecedented communication in the tide of globalization. Every ethnic group must attach their culture to the pathway of the world’s civilization and walk towards the modernization
    of culture according to the rules of the development of society. In this process, they could learn from each other and make amendments of themselves. Modern advertising, as a cainozoic social culture type, has not only the mission to inherit culture but also the important task to promote the economic development. Under this complicated situation, Chinese advertising has to look upon other cultures and tries to talk with them on the differences and seek development through talks if they want to accomplish their historical mission.

    3 The macroscopic differences between Chinese and Western advertising culture.
    Harmony and analysis, family-based and inpidual-based, intuitive thinking and logical thinking and the attitude to respect and love are the macroscopic differences between Chinese and western advertising culture.
     3.1Harmony and Analysis
        Chinese culture , profound with a very long history, has integrated into an unbounded strong current in thousands of years. And in the historical river, the eternally immutable spirit of ancient Chinese came into being one word—“harmony”. It runs through the roots of everything for ancient Chinese. The traditional Chinese culture stresses that human being is part of the great nature, human and nature are a uniform entirety. They are naturally coordinate and get along with each other equally.
    They develop side by side harmoniously. The Confucianist emphasizes on surpassing
    the nature, transferring nature into humanity, changing instincts into arête and thus they could become mortally perfect. While Taoists thought that the nature itself is in a
    perfect state. The process of nature’s humanization is breaking the right order of nature. So they hold opinion that “do not break the heaven because of human” and ”respect the nature” Confucianism and Taoism, complementary to each other, are the bed tone of traditional Chinese culture. Their common dominant idea is that “man is an integral part of nature”.
    “Harmony” means peace, compromise, concord, kindThis philosophy of “harmony” is fully reflected by the spirit “inaction” of Taoism, by “kindheartedness and justice” of Confucianism and by “mercy” of Buddhism. This spirit is the precious
    gene of our great ancestors and also the inherent characteristic of oriental civilization.
    It seems weak but actually strong. It absorbs everything and permeates everything.
    Therefore, under the influence of Taoism, Chinese philosophy of life has always been wise. Advocating comprehensive and harmony, unlike the Westerner’s analysis and extreme., Chinese value family, friendship very much, and no other  ethnic group pay so much attention to reunion like Chinese in the world .So, when it comes to the reunion, in the depths of our heritage of folk culture , it can be described as spreading broad and deep. Chinese is busy in the lunar New Year's Eve reunion dinner, the family sit staying up all night. Lunar August 15th is the Mid-Autumn Festival, at that time family must be reunited with eating moon cake which symbolizes the reunion. Reunion customs origins probably from the ancient Chinese philosophy of the universe of "hemispherical dome". The book of changes says ”round and then be god”. So, to ancient Chinese, “round” is the naturally law and the extraordinary power that works forever.
  1. 上一篇:中文古诗词叠词的研究与翻译
  2. 下一篇:广告英语的语用策略分析
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