1。2 The significance and purpose 

    Stick drawing refers to the picture consisting of concise and general line and it shows the feature of the objects。 Stick drawing is concise, imaginative, funny and has a sense of humor。 It leads to a rich relationship and it is not restricted by time and space。 It can be used in teaching vocabulary, sentence patterns, knowledge of language and creating communication environment。 Stick drawing stimulates students’ interest in learning, develops teaching artistic charm and cultivate students’ positive thinking。 This passage talks about the characteristics of stick drawing, theoretical basis of stick drawing, the function of stick drawing to primary English teaching and the role of stick drawing for learning。 And this passage guides teachers to apply stick drawing reasonably in class。

Chapter Two    literature Review

2。1The psychological basis of the teaching of stick drawing 

    visual image provides emotional material and makes the concept more specific and vivid。 Visual image can make learners at a highly excited state。 It not only promotes the student to study the knowledge but also helps the development of students’ abstract thinking。 Visual image develop students' understanding and memory of the language material。 论文网

2。 2 The pedagogical basis of the teaching of stick drawing

    Using stick drawing in primary English teaching observes the principle of presenting knowledge directly。 Understanding the knowledge in books is based on perceptual knowledge。   

    The development of students' thinking is in the transition from the concrete image thinking to the abstract logical thinking。 Especially for the lower grade,      it is still mainly based on the specific image thinking。 From the point of the education effect, stick drawing can make it easy for students to consolidate the knowledge。 

2。 3The concept and characteristics of the stick drawing

2。3。1 Simplicity

    The main characteristics of simple drawing is concise。 Stick drawing can show a thing, a movement and a scene。 Teachers should draw pictures simply and quickly to avoid duplication and modification。 And then students can understand the meaning easily。 

2。3。2 Figurativeness

    Figurativeness is an important features of stick drawing。 The image should be concise。 Teachers ought to grasp the basic features and make the students have a deep impression。 

2。3。3 Heuristic

    When the teacher is drawing pictures, he should pay attention to inspire students' thinking and cultivate students' aesthetic ability。 

2。3。4 Regulatory

    The amount of information can be controlled flexibly according to the feedback from students。 The teacher teaches new knowledge while drawing to regulate teaching and active classroom atmosphere。 Psychological research shows that the active things  can arouse people’s attention better than static things。 文献综述

2。4The earlier studies on a brief discussion on the function of stick drawing on primary school's English teaching

    Many scholars had some studies on the role of stick drawing in teaching。 At the same time, many scholars have already had a lot of in-depth discussion about the role of the stick drawing in the primary school English teaching。 

    Xu Guixiang put forward that stick drawing cultivated students' interest in learning foreign language in “the function of stick drawing on primary school’s English teaching”。 And he thought stick drawing helped teachers cultivate students' ability about thinking, memory and express something about the pictures。                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

















