The scholars found three guiding rules under the Skopostheorie。 The skopos rule is the first and basic principle that all the translating activities need to follow, which clarifies that a translating action is determined by its skopos; that is, “the end justifies the means”(Reiss and Vermeer 101) However, the translation has many purposes and these purposes can be further pided into three types: (1) the basic purpose of the translator(such as making a living) (2) the communicative purpose of the target text(such as enlightening readers) (3) the purpose achieved by the special translation methods。 In general, “Skopos” mainly refers to the communicative purpose of the target text。 Therefore, the translator can determine the methods he employs according to the skopos。

Coherence rule means that the target text must meet the standard of intra-textual coherence。 That is to say, the target text should be readable and acceptable for receivers to understand。 It should also make sense in the cultures of target languages。 The fidelity rule merely states that there must be coherence between the translation and the source text, more specifically, between: (1) the source text information received by the translator (2) the interpretation the translator makes of this information (3)the information that is encoded for the target-text receiver (Munday 79-80) This rule is accordance with the faithfulness to the original text in the other translation theories。 However, the degree and form of fidelity depend on the skopos of the target text and the translators’ understanding of the source text。文献综述

The relationship of these three rules is: the fidelity rule obeys to the coherence rule and these two rules are loyal to the skopos rule。 If the translating purpose asks for changing the function of the source text, the standard of target text is no longer the inter-textual coherence with the original text。 If the translating purpose asks for reappearing the feature and style of the source text, the fidelity rule conforms to the skopos rule。 (Tang 160)

2。1。2 Domestic studies

In the 1980s, the Skopostheorie was introduced into China, which is widely spread and applied in the domestic translation circle。 The studies on the Skopostheorie in China have experienced two stages:initial stage and developing stage。 From the 1980s to the beginning of the 21st century, the researches mainly focus on the introduction of the Skopostheorie。 And from 2001 to today, the studies are related to all aspects of translation practices under the guidance of the theory, such as translation method, translation criticism and literature translation。 Du Qianyuan is the first scholar who introduces the Skopostheorie into China and his essays are the pioneer works in this area。 Later, Zhang Nanfeng wrote the article to introduce the theory to domestic readers again。 Zhong Weihe and Zhongyu are academic leaders who systemically clarify the theory。 They jointly published the paper named “The German Functionalist Translation Theory” in Journal of Chinese Translation in 1999。 However, the first one that applies the Functionalist Theory into the translation research is Chen Xiaowei。 Besides, Guo Jianzhong discussed on the management of cultural factors in translation from the aspects of foreignization and domestication, text types and author’s intention。 (Hu and Zhang 65)来,自,优.尔:论;文*网 +QQ752018766-

The Skopostheorie is widely applied into the translation practices for different kinds of texts。 It probes into the translation techniques of target text under the framework of the Skopostheorie。 Some of scholars combine the theory with the literary-text translation。 For example, Zhou Huilin and Han Zhulin’s paper named “On the Literature Translation from the Perspective of Skopotheorie-A Case Study of Chinese Versions of Pride and Prejudice” and Cao Huanhuan and Zhoulin’s paper called “Translating Strategies of Character Names in Novels from the Perspective of Skopos Theory-With Shen Congwen’s Novel as the example”。 However, more and more scholars tend to combine the Skopostheorie with non-literary texts and their studies are related to the different kinds of pragmatic texts such as trade mark translation, news translation and the translation of public signs。 The paper “Translation of Travel Website in the Light of Skopostheorie” published by Wang Lili is a good example。

















