Abstract Vocabulary, as building material, is essential to a language。 It is one of the three basic components( pronunciation,vocabulary and grammar), and is of utmost importance to the language acquisition and teaching。 The ability to use vocabulary can directly influence a student’s comprehensive abilities in listening, speaking, reading, and writing。 However, the present status of vocabulary teaching in junior middle school is not satisfying。 Students memorize the words mechanically, not knowing how to use them and teachers simply takes a majority of time to define the words in class。 Fortunately, with more and more scholars studying the context theory, teachers gradually realize the importance of teaching words in context。 This thesis mainly discusses the following questions: (1) What does the context mean?(2) How can context be classified?(3) What functions does the context serve?(4) How can combine context theory with vocabulary teaching perfectly in junior middle school?78961

Keywords: context theory; vocabulary teaching in junior middle school; application                                           


毕业论文关键词:语境理论; 初中英语词汇教学; 应用


1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review 1

3。 The Definition and Classification of Context Theory 2

3。1 The definition of context 2

3。2 The classification of context 3

4。 The Application of Context Theory in Junior Middle School 5

4。1 Functions of context 5

4。2 The application of linguistic context 7

4。3 The application of non-linguistic context 9

5。 Conclusion 11

Works Cited 13

1。 Introduction 

Vocabulary, as one of the three crucial elements (grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary) of a language, is of the extreme significance in the process of language acquisition and teaching。 Vocabulary is the building material of a language。 Therefore, there is no doubt that without language, neither can we communicate with others, nor do we make progress in comprehensive abilities such as reading, listening, and speaking。 Realizing the importance of the vocabulary, both teachers and students strive to pay much attention to vocabulary teaching and acquisition。 However, the present status of vocabulary teaching in junior middle schools is not satisfying。 On the one hand, teachers seldom develop various methods to teach vocabulary。 On the contrary, the following procedures are usually followed by teachers。 Students are required to read the whole word list after teachers and then teachers correct their pronunciation。 After reading, teachers are inclined to choose some important words to elaborate on the usage of them through giving examples and paraphrasing。 In this sense, students memorize a large number of words, but actually they do not digest them-students may not distinguish the words when they appear in different sentences again。 On the other hand, even though students have devoted themselves to vocabulary learning, they fail to apply words correctly during writing and have troubles in comprehending the reading material。 Due to this unsatisfying performance, some students lose passion for English and just take vocabulary learning as an obligatory task。 Therefore, we should in no time explore a practical way to improve the effectiveness of vocabulary teaching and learning in junior middle schools, and combining vocabulary with context is an effective approach。文献综述

















