
    4.3.1 The opening stage    13
    4.3.2 The outline stage    14
    4.3.3 Express stage    14
    4.3.4 Confrontation stage    14
    4.3.5 Compromise stage    14
    4.3.6 Negotiation Stage    15
    4.4 The role of business etiquette after signing    15
    5. Conclusion    17
    Bibliography    19
    Acknowledgments    21
    1. Introduction
    With China's accession to the World Trade Organization, the economic exchanges between China and other countries around the world are increasing, and the international economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation would deepen further. As many enterprises in China gradually established cooperation relations with foreign investors, business negotiation has become an indispensable part of the economic exchange and cooperation between enterprises. Each business personnel do hope to establish a good partnership with foreign enterprises through business negotiation activities.
    However, business negotiation is not only an art of language, but also an interpersonal art. A good business negotiator not only needs to have stronger language expression ability and basic knowledge of commercial trade, but also needs to master some basic business etiquette. Only in this way can they feel just like a fish in water in the process of business negotiation. Business etiquette mainly includes manners, dress, behaviors, habits and etc. While many businessmen with abundant negotiation skills, due to the lack of business etiquette, left bad impression and finally failed to achieve the final cooperation. Therefore, in business negotiations, business negotiation personnel need to master the etiquette knowledge, to shape a good image in front of foreigners, in order to make the other side consider you are a trusted partner. All in all, business etiquette is the internal representation of a person of the cultural accomplishment, moral accomplishment and so on, and it also has the magic of strengthening the exchanges between people, which will finally promote the smooth completion of the business negotiation.

    2. Business etiquette and business negotiation
    2.1 The definition of business etiquette
    2.1.1 The definition and content of business etiquette
    Business etiquette refers to the norms of behavior that business personnel need to comply with in business activities . Mainly in order to reflect the mutual respect between people and people, business etiquette can constrain all kinds of behavior of business activities. It mainly includes the business activities of how to warmly greet customers, how to harmoniously deal with business negotiations, how to successfully promote their products, how to ceremoniously hold various business ceremonies and how to solve business disputes properly, etc.
    Undeniable, with the influence of business globalization, business exchanges between companies and people have become increasingly frequent, especially after China's accession to WTO, more and more business etiquette gains business personnel’s attention. The so-called business etiquette includes :
    (1) The personal behavior and business etiquette, such as personal qualities, behavior, instrument, clothing, manners, education and etc.
    (2) Daily communication etiquette, such as meeting, invited, invited, guest, banquets, gifts and etc.
    (3) Daily work etiquette, such as customer reception work, marketing, business services and etc.
    (4) The etiquette of special business activities, such as etiquette of celebration, conference, exhibition, conference and signing ceremony and etc.
    2.1.2 Studies on the business negotiation domestic and abroad
    As an emerging discipline research field, business negotiation is still in its infancy in many ways. Although a lot of scholars have conducted a lot of theories and practice, there are not enough. By reviewing the existing literature, we can see there are still some questions needed to be solved.
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