Going forward, science and technology make up of vital parts in daily life。 The development of modern scientific and technological revolution drives science and technology to be the most active element and main power in production, as well as the most decisive factor in it。 Also science and technology push forward the social progress。 Science and technology have brought about tremendous changes to people’s lives, in transportation, from carriage to airplane, and from axe to electric saw in tool。 There is a saying that science and technology are primary productive forces, which can emphasize importance of them directly。文献综述

Therefore, the level of science and technology can represent the power of a country。  The level is high, so is the power of country。 The level is not, nor is the power of country。 If a country strengthens and deepens its science and technology, it will grow up rapidly in other aspects because science and technology are in close contact with our life from petty things to great events。 So the government realizes the point and spares no effort to vigorously advance science and technology。

Furthermore, a country cannot just promote this great cause only in its domestic area and should have a long view。 Different cultures make people view things differently。 There shows up different means to deal with difficulty。 We should keep an open mind and have a modest attitude toward everything。 A lot of multinational corporations are emerging but the language differences hinder people from communications and corporation and make various obstacles in exchange。

Thus, in the translation, difference between Chinese and English should be paid sufficient attention to for the sake of the growing economy。 However, lack of precise and accurate translation has become an obstacle for scientific and technical personnel, which impedes understanding and delays the application of advanced technology in practice。 Being one of the crucial means in the exchange of internationally scientific information, the translation of scientific English is increasingly significant。 So the work to translate information of scientific and technological English, boosting the bloom of economy, is quite important。 In this thesis, features of EST will be in discussion and relevant techniques will also be introduced。

2。 Literature Review

2。1 Previous studies on the Skopos theory

In this thesis, the Skopos theory is laid emphasized on EST translation。 The Skopos theory is a concept from the field of translation studies。 It provides an insight into the nature of translation as a purposeful activity, which is directly applicable to every translation project。来-自~优+尔=论.文,网www.youerw.com +QQ752018766-

It was established by the German linguist Hans Vermeer and comprises the idea that translating and interpreting should primarily take into account the function of both the source and target text。 About this theory, there are four representatives-- Katharina Reiss, Hans J Vermeer, Justa Holaz Manttari and Christiane Nord。 According to the Skopos theory, purposes determine the methods and strategies, which lead to translation with full communicative function (Fang 2)。 That’s to say, translation meets commission requirements。 The Skopos theory does not care whether the translation is equal to the original text。 Instead, the standard lies in the fact that translation achieves aims。 There are three principles in the Skopos theory: skopos rule, coherence rule and fidelity rule。 A basic ingredient in any communication is the purpose of the human source producing the message (Nida 33)。

















