5。 Conclusion 9

Works Cited 11

1。 Introduction 

Negotiation is a kind of process, which connects all parties to consult, exchange views, seek solutions and reach agreements on common concerns。 Negotiation is always seek to meet one’s need, which is not only the motivation, but also the cause of a negotiation。

The culture we’ve said here does not include a person who has no culture, it refers to a way of thinking common to country and the nation, values and beliefs。 Culture reflects the national and racial characteristics, it shows a national heritage, and determines their behavior。 China has thousands of years of history, which accumulated in colorful culture and long history。 However, the United States only has a few hundred years history。 Hence, In the process of historical development, China and the United States has formed two different values and ways of thinking。 As the influences with cultures, the business negotiation style have big differences。

Cultural differences will lead to cultural conflicts inevitably, especially when a huge difference happens between Eastern and Western cultures。 To be honest, these unexpected failures often involve cultural factors。 Therefore, to have a successful negotiation, negotiators should have a good understanding on culture and cultural differences。 They'd better know how negotiations are affected by culture。 Only in this way, the negotiators can predict courses and adjustment countermeasures to promote the success of issues。 Therefore, studying the impact process of cultural negotiations is the need of social development, and has important practical significance。

This article is pided into three parts, firstly, this article will introduce the literature of Sino-US business negotiations。 Secondly, it will study the impact on business negotiations。 Finally, it will discuss how to deal with Sino-US cultural differences in the negotiation process properly。

2。 Literature Review

2。1 Cultural differences

Different countries have different prospects。 Certainly, different countries have their own customs and folk culture。 China, compared to American cultural, has many different features including thinking mode, sense of time, “face” concept and etiquette, etc。 论文网

2。1。1 The difference of thinking mode

The difference of thinking mode between China and the United States is mainly reflected in the opposition of holistic thinking and inpidual thinking。 Chinese culture focuses on the overall thinking, the whole thinking is meaning to observe and think about all the things in the world in accordance with the overall point of view, to analysis problems from the general starting point, to focus on thinking about the overall function, complex relationship and operation process of the whole thing。 However, Chinese don't focus on their internal structure。

Americans pay attention to inpidual thinking, they pided the mess into some small elements to carry out research one by one。

2。1。2 The difference of time view

Chinese time concept is different from that of the American。 Chinese culture and wisdom are formed over thousands of years in history。 There Chinese don't look at the time as Americans do。 Chinese like look everything in a long term, seem to take it leisurely。 However, Americans especially cherish time, pay attention to time and efficiency。 This is why Americans become the world's economic power in several hundred years。 In the American enterprise, departments at all levels have a clear responsibility, and they have specific pision of labor。 (Wan 46) Therefore, the negotiation of information collection and decision-making are relatively fast。

2。1。3 The difference of "face" concept

First, Chinese advocating the whole world as one community and everyone should be selfless, so they have harmonious interpersonal relationship。 But Americans often take themselves as the center, they always take personal interests for the first place。 And the American people's interpersonal relationship is relatively indifferent to the Chinese people; Second, Chinese people don’t want to lose "face"。 In business activities, if you want to make a choice in the two, "face" and "interest", most Chinese people tend to choose “face",but the US people will not hesitate to choose the "interests"; Third, Chinese like to stress "within the cylindrical side", while American stress "foreign square"。 It is precisely this "face" view makes Chinese people do not necessarily follow the principle of pre-work, they will make the appropriate adjustments follow the progress of the situation in order to achieve the desired objectives。 In America, once the Americans have made the rules, they will be in strict accordance with the provisions of the implementation。 No matter how big the difficult is, they will complete the scheduled target according to the rules。

















