摘 要:《临安遗恨》是何占豪先生创作的一首古筝协奏曲,该作品是以古曲《满江红》为素材,描写我国民族英雄岳飞的传奇故事的一首乐曲。本文通过对《临安遗恨》的音乐分析,以及乐曲体现的传承与创新这几个方面进行研究,对《临安遗恨》的结构、演奏技法、情感体现以及民族特征等几个方面进行具体阐述,通过阐述这几点更准确的把握乐曲的内涵,也为现代筝乐的演奏者提供一些参考。34269 毕业论文关键词:临安遗恨;何占豪;艺术特征;演奏技巧
Analyses the artistic features of the modern zheng qu bear linan grudge
Abstract: zhanhao he created the works in this field of both from the subject matter and playing technique innovation are unique personal characteristics. Paper through to the modern zhanhao he zheng qu "bear linan grudge" music analysis, as well as play music skills and practice and reflect the inheritance and innovation of this a few surface analysis, through the analysis of the bear linan grudge structure, in tone color, rhythm and tempo, playing techniques for the bear linan grudge detailed in this paper. Through the elaboration of these points make players are able to better understand the connotation of music, expand the theoretical knowledge of the players, the players in this field for the modern also provide some reference.
Key words: bear linan grudge; Zhanhao he; Art characteristic; Performance skills
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