摘要:长笛是管弦乐团中通用的高音木管乐器。它的流传已有好几个世纪,其历史久远,甚至可以追溯到古埃及时代,到了海顿所在的年代,长笛已成为了交响乐队中的固定乐器。长笛比其它木管乐器具有更大的灵活性,音域宽广,音色优美,表现力极强,有着"花腔女高音"之称。并且擅长华彩乐段,演奏的技巧华丽多样,在交响乐队中经常担任主要旋律,是重要的独奏乐器。本文以小提琴协奏曲《梁山伯与祝英台》为例,根据个人多年来对长笛的学习和演奏经验,以及对演奏技巧上更深层次的研究为基础,通过在乐队中的演奏感受总结了长笛在这部经典作品中的表现魅力以及演奏技巧上需要注意的一些问题,并就我自己的一些体会和理解对其进行了探析。38188 毕业论文关键词:长笛 ;管弦乐 ;梁山伯与祝英台;运用
The use of the flute in the orchestra works - Take "The Butterfly Lovers" as an example
Abstract: Flute orchestra is common to treble woodwind. Its spread has been for centuries, and its long history, even dating back to ancient Egyptian times, to the era where Haydn, flute orchestra has become a fixed instrument. Flute with greater flexibility than other woodwinds, wide range, awesome, highly expressive, with "coloratura" said. And good cadenza, playing perse skills gorgeous, often served in a symphony orchestra in the main melody, is an important solo instrument. In this paper, the violin concerto "Butterfly Lovers" for example, based on many years of personal study and flute playing experience, as well as research on the performance skills of deeper basis, by playing in the band felt summed up the flute in the performance of this classic work on the charm as well as some problems playing skills need to pay attention, and some of my own experience and understanding of them were.
Keywords: flute; Orchestra; Butterfly Lovers; use
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