摘 要:中国古典舞身韵教学作为古典舞中最重要的形体美学和韵律美学,其中的教学方法一直备受重视,文章以古典舞身韵教学的方法作为切入点,对其中的示范法、引导法、启示法、讨论法、情景教学法进行了论述探究。希望通过本篇论文的书写能够为中国古典舞身韵教学的方法提供相关的理论依据。38887 毕业论文关键词:古典舞;身韵;教学方法
On the method of Chinese classical dance body rhyme teaching
Abstract: Chinese classical dance body rhyme teaching as the most important classical dance form aesthetics of aesthetics and rhythm, which has been much emphasis on teaching methods, the article classical dance body rhyme teaching methods as a starting point, on which the Model Law, to guide law Inspiration, discussing, exploring situational approach were discussed. We are hoping to provide a theoretical basis for the method of Chinese classical dance body rhyme teaching through writing this paper.
Keywords: Classical Dance; Body rhyme; Teaching methods
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