摘 要:艺术来源于生活,来源于人民。民间小调是反映人民生活的主要组成部分,它是在漫长的发展过程中经过我国劳动人民的润色加工、生活磨砺形成的。然而,随着信息时代的到来,音乐的创作与传播产生了质的飞跃,《绣荷包》作为传统民间小调受到了严峻的挑战。因此,对传统民歌应如何评价与认识,如何使其继续在当今社会里发展、流传的探索具有重要的意义,本文通过对《绣荷包》小调的流传、发展与现状以及山东《绣荷包》的地方特色进行分析并浅谈对其审美观的再认识。
关键词:绣荷包; 艺术风格 ;演唱风格; 审美观
On the folk song "Embroider Pouch" traditional artistic style and aesthetic value
Abstract: Art comes from life, from the people. Folk song is a reflection of a major component of people's lives. It is in the long process of development through our working people polish processing, life tempered form. However, with the arrival of the information age, the creation and dissemination of music produced a qualitative leap. "Embroider Pouch" as a traditional folk song receives a severe challenge. Therefore, the traditional folk songs and understanding how to evaluate how it continues to develop in today's society, the spread of great significance to explore, Based on the "Embroider Pouch" Minor's spread, development and current situation as well as Shandong "Embroider Pouch" in On the local characteristics analysis and understanding of their aesthetic again.
Keywords: Embroider Pouch; artistic style; singing style; aesthetic
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 1
一、《绣荷包》小调概况 2
二、《绣荷包》小调的流传 2
(一)主观方面原因 2
(二)客观方面原因 3
三、山东《绣荷包》的地方特色 3
(一)鲁南地区《绣荷包》的曲调特征 4
(二)鲁南地区《绣荷包》的歌词风格 4
(三)鲁南地区《绣荷包》衬腔的特色 5
四、对《绣荷包》审美的再认识 6
(一)时代精神和生活体验对《绣荷包》审美观的影响 6
(二)新创作技法对《绣荷包》曲调的影响 7
参考文献 8
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