    摘要:    办公楼是在特定的历史、社会、经济和文化背景下形成与发展起来的,其建筑布局、空间形态、环境气氛都在不断的变化。为适应社会的发展需求,也要求办公楼在形态和功能上要多样化。
    关键词:    建筑布局;整体规划;以人为本 ;社会性
    NO1540,South Pudong Road,Shanghai office building design
    Abstract:     The office building is formed and developed in the specific historical, social,economic and cultural background. The layout of the building, space,atmosphere are in constant change. In order to adapt to the development needs of the society,it requires the office building in the morphological and functional persification.
    This graduation design is based on a project, is a real environment requirements and specific planning proposition. Therefore, in the design process should be considered in many practical problems associated with the local city, such as: how to determine the construction style, ensure that the project and its surrounding buildings and environment, the need to fully consider the design of the overall city planning; how to embody the people-oriented design concept;how to ensure the function of the building first, affordable, and has the innovation in energy saving, environmental protection, fire protection. These are a few extra special consideration in the design process, how to design a city "social construction", is the key point and difficult point of this graduate design.

    Keywords:    The layout of the building; Overall planning; People-oriented;Social

    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    iii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    项目概论    1
    1.1.1    项目来源    1
    1.1.2    工程概况    1
    1.1.3    设计资料    1
    2  分析..2
    2.1  同类项目现状调研与分析    2
    2.2  本项目问题分析及设计目标定位    3
    2.2.1 方案设计中需解决的关键性问题    3
    2.2.2 本项目设计目标定位    4
    3   设计.4
    3.1 主要功能划分    4
    3.2 建筑空间特色    4
    3.3交通流线设计    5
    3.4景观节点设计    5
    3.5建筑立面风格    5
    4   结论.5
    参考文献    6
     1    绪论
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