    关键词:  滨水绿地;景观设计;生态;和谐
    Nan'an Liuhu Park Master Landscape Planning and Design
    Abstract:This topic is Nan'an Liuhu Park Master Landscape Planning and Design,large scale, the total area of 19.5 hectares. The actual base of the design project is located in Nanan City, Fujian Province, is an important landscape Nan'an city lots and open space, the future of the city is the center of the area combined with the waterfront area, will become the core of the future of the city.gical characteristics, creating vibrant vitality, natural beauty and harmonious ecological waterfront park.After the completion of the ecological park should regulate both the ecological function and landscape features, providing people with culture, leisure, entertainment, fitness, and other multi-functional services.Park planning and design should be considered cultural heritage, rational functions, ecological priority, retention characteristics and meets the people living recreation and leisure needs.Design content is all environmental content, including overall planning and design and traffic, vertical, plants, architectural pieces, Road and pavement, night lights, utilities and other inpidual planning and design. The ultimate goal of the design of both to meet human activity, but also for humanity more harmonious coexistence with nature. Urban waterfront is the city's most important open space, urban waterfront green space design, in addition to humans outside the venue to provide close to nature, but also should be aware of the ecological importance of the waterfront environment, only to follow the law on the basis of ecological on the application of the principles of art as a guide to building the ideal waterfront green belt, to humans live in harmony with the natural purpose.
    KeyWords:Waterfront green;Landscape design;Ecology;Harmonious
    目  录
    1 引言  1
    2 背景分析- 1
    3 基地现状分析- 2
    3.1 区位分析- 2
    3.2 周边环境分析- 2
    3.3 自然条件分析- 2
    3.3.1 地理条件- 2
    3.3.2 气候条件- 2
    3.4 基地现状物质空间环境分析- 3
    4 设计理念与目的- 3
    4.1 设计理念- 3
    4.2 设计目的- 3
    4.3 设计原则- 3
    4.3.1 保持基址的整体性与连续性 3
    4.3.2 遵从基址的生态环境特征,减少人为干扰与破坏 4
    4.4 设计要素 5
    5 设计方法与内容- 5
    5.1 总体布局- 5
    5.2 功能分区- 5
    5.2.1入口广场区 5
    5.2.2 亲水休闲区5
    5.2.3 休息观赏区6
    5.2.4 植物观赏区- 6
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