    The Design and Beautification of Website Interface
    Abstract:With the development of network technologies, network culture has been deeply rooted in our social and cultural life and the web designer has become a new job. The web interface design is mainly pided into web beautification and CSS design. The website design is composed of homepage design, webpage menu design, predetermined page design, and gallery design. The CSS website design consists of framework structures construction, the picture cutting and CSS design. The art design of the website mainly determines the overall style and the content of the web page. The design of flash for the entire page increase the spectator of the webpage, the CSS design makes the web interface be clear and beautiful. After test the entire website running in good condition, to different browsers open and no error occurs.
    Keywords:Webpage design;Interface design;Webpage Beautification 
    目 录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 课题的目的和意义    1
    1.2 国内外研究现状与水平    1
    1.3 本课题的研究内容    2
    1.4 论文结构    2
    2 相关软件    4
    2.1 Photoshop    4
    2.1.1 Photoshop简介    4
    2.1.2 适用范围    4
    2.1.3 界面组成    5
    2.2  Flash    5
    2.2.1  Flash简介    5
    2.2.2 软件特性    6
    2.3 Dreamweaver    6
    2.3.1 Dreamweaver介绍    6
    2.3.2 功能介绍    6
    2.3.3软件优点    7
    2.4总体设计    8
    2.4.1网页总体布局设计    8
    2.4.2主页框架设计    9
    2.4.3专题页框架设计    9
    2.4.4内容页框架设计    9
    3 网站美工设计    10
    3.1 网页首页制作    10
    3.1.1背景制作    10
    3.1.2 导航栏的制作    11
    3.1.3 中部咖啡菜单的制作    12
    3.1.4 下部内容制作    13
    3.1.5 底部制作    15
    3.2 网页菜单的制作    16
    3.2.1 菜单的导航    16
    3.2.2 菜单的中部制作    16
    3.2.3 菜单的正题制作    16
    3.2.4 整体效果    17
    3.3 预定页面的设计    18
    3.3.1 预定页面的大体框架    18
    3.3.2 预定的主要内容    18
    3.3.3 预约的底部制作    19
    3.4 画廊的制作    20
    3.4.1 画廊的整体设计    20
    3.4.2 画廊的具体内容    21
    3.5 咖啡店的介绍    21
    3.6 Flash    22
    4 网站CSS设计    24
    4.1 框架搭建    24
    4.2 图片切割    24
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