    Architectural design spescification of industrial economy district in Shanghai
    Abstract:Industrial economic zone is the inner motive power to promote the evelopment of urban areas, and it is the key to strengthen the activity of the region's economic activity as well as to promote the growing popularity of the region and vitality. It  strengthen the exchange and the surrounding area contact, also to promote the development of adapt to the modern town has important and far-reaching significance. Industrial economy garden design is between monomer design and planning and design, contains monomer design and planning of the design, is a fully integrated architectural design and planning and design. Park design should pay attention to ecological environment, historical context, the new aesthetic idea, and the small environment is more and more high buildings. Design to deal with the enterprise culture, of regional characteristics, and the characteristics of the product has good combination, pay attention to the process requirements, and shall be reflected in the design. Only the master planning and architectural design emphasis of the two aspects, and fuses the flexibility to use it, to create a good environment, science and technology leading, humanistic harmonious industrial park. And the choice of this topic is to investigate how to stay for the longest life office become a joy of life is an ideal place for combining exertion and rest.
    KeyWords: Public space; Air  corridor; convenient
    目  录
    1  项目概况 1
      1.1  工程概况 1
      1.2  基地研究以及设计核心 1
    2  设计理念1
    3  方案设计2
      3.1  总体布局 2
      3.2  建筑单体 2
        3.2.1  展览陈列 2
        3.2.2  大厅休闲 2
        3.2.3  图书阅览 2
        3.2.2  娱乐活动 2
        3.2.2  其他附属 3
      3.3  设计策略 3
    3.3.1  城市景观广场的营造 3
    3.3.2  建筑单体的景观设计 3
      3.4  交通流线 3
      3.5  材料细部 3
    4  小结4
    1  项目概况
    1.1  工程概况    。
    1.2  基地研究以及设计核心   
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