    English Title Here
    Abstract:Chinese art has five thousand years of history , in the history , there are much "beauty" stayed while much "beauty" faded in our modern lives. I am looking forward to t-he revival of national culture history can come in the progress of modern aesthetics . The focus of my research is lacquer  art . Lacquer art has been used in the Spring and Autumn Period . The ancients had few studies in this field , but modern people gradually find uni-que beauty of this art . Not just the progress of limited theory , but more in using lacquer , understanding lacquer , doing the aesthetic enhancement in practical application in modern life . I had implemented these theoretical arguments in practice . In my graduation project , I used the classic and traditional color matching of black , red and gold . However, in
     the control of the screen, I chose the irregular texture . The smooth undulating lines refle
    cts the fluidity of paint and shows random beauty . Besides , the large black lacquer paint retains the most unique deeply beauty. Ancient and modern alternative , traditional and modern fusion , and the modern beauty showed by traditional skills are the official theme of this paper that I want to express
    . Key Words:  Lacquer art; Contemporary household;;The fusion
    摘要    i
    Abstract    ii
    目录    iii
    一、简述漆艺    4
    (一):漆艺的艺术性,装饰性    4
    (二):漆艺的生活性,实用性    4
    二、漆艺在生活中运用的历史    5
    (一):中国古代漆艺在生活中的运用    5
    (二): 漆艺传入日本:日本漆器在生活中的运用    5
    (三): 漆艺传入西方:西方漆器在生活中的运用    6
    三、漆艺和现代生活用品的结合    6
    (一): 漆艺和生活的关系    6
    (二):现代漆艺在生活用品中的表现    7
    1、 实用为主的漆器在现代生活中的运用    7
    2、 美化、欣赏为主的漆艺装饰品在现代生活中的运用    8
    3、 纯艺术创作为主的漆艺在现代生活中的运用    8
    四、以毕业设计为例:现代漆艺生活用品的未来    8
    (一):毕业设计的选题和定案    8
    (二):毕业设计中现代审美的设计    9
    (三):毕业设计的总结:现代漆艺在生活用品中的未来    9
    致谢    10
    参考文献    11
    一、    简述漆艺
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