摘 要 : 随着经济快速发展,人们生活水平逐步提高,也越来越关注生活质量,养生、 旅游成为当下人们放松自我的备受欢迎的休闲方式。养生的文化积厚流光,是中国传统文 化中重要的部分之一,在传统的儒家、道家、佛学影响下,承载其文化内涵,进而衍生为 一种独特的生活方式与审美行为。而将养生、养心与生态文化融合,又影响到养生休闲空 间的室内设计。经过几轮传承,养生文化已逐步由形入神,形神具备。正是基于这一基本 理念,这里将养生与生态、文化、情感相结合,采用多种文化元素与创新设计手法,构成 满足现代人们身心需求、融合生态与文化意境的新一代养生苑。90793

本文首先介绍了养生休闲空间的选题背景、现状和发展历程,再进行基地区位、基 地分析,进而从设计理念、构想、目标和基本元素等多角度阐述本设计的基本概念,最后 通过创新设计与创作形成完整的“养心苑”结构设计方案,并从功能和意境两个方面进行 细致描绘,最后对整个设计方案进行自我总结,并指出了未来可以调整改进之处。

毕业论文关 键 词 : 休闲,养生,室内设计

Abstract:Along with the rapid development of modern cities, the pursuit of quality of life is becoming more and more high, the standards of life become more important for people, as that health and tourism become popular way of leisure。 The concept of health has a long history, which is the part in the deep penetration of traditional Chinese culture。 It has both a strong Chinese heritage, but also form a unique interior design style with the traditional philosophy concept。 Carrying the cultural connotation by the influence of the traditional Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, health and leisure derive into a unique way of life and aesthetic behavior。 It relates to the interior design of health and leisure space that we integrat the concept of health and raising heart with ecological culture。 with several rounds of heritage, The health and leisure

space come from the shape into the gods, gods have。Based on this basical concept, the health and ecological, cultural, emotional combination and a variety of cultural elements and innovative design techniques to form a modern people , that we can meet the physical and mental needs or integration of ecological and cultural mood of a new generation of health garden。

First it introduces the background, current situation and development course of the recreational and leisure space, and then analyzes the basic concepts of the design from the aspects of design concept, conception, goal and basic elements, and finally through the innovative design and the creation ,we complete "Yang Xin Yuan" structural design, and detailed description in from the functional and artistic。 Finally the entire design of self-summary, and pointed out that the future can be adjusted to improve。

The design is very important, and you want to design unique Lesure and Health Space, it is necessary to consider the full range of soul pillar of the Health Space is what, it is necessary to deeply from its business philosophy to consider its design philosophy, which can create a can get rid of the shadow of the other resort and spa, in the design of infusion of fresh blood, can show the unique cultural connotation of the health center。 So, visit customer health museum, both who can experience the kind of different health atmosphere, only to have the a vow to the second。

Keywords:Health and leisure space,Leisurely, Health Museum, interior design

1 前言 1

2 休闲养生馆室内设计简介

















