    毕业论文关键词:水墨元素  笔墨纸砚 宋代山水画
    Chinese ink painting elements used in the four treasures of the study
    Abstract: Nowadays, as the changes of The Times, the improvement of people's aesthetic consciousness, now people pay more attention to packaging design more and more cultural connotation of performance, especially the traditional commodity. At present the four treasures of the study on the market or lack of connotation; Or unreasonable use of; Or the old, not new. I hope that through this graduation design, and related research, the main research content is how to into the traditional Chinese ink element in the packaging, how the ink element and the combination of modern packaging material, structure, layout, this is the purpose of this research, I also hope that through this graduation design study as reasonable as possible.
         Needless to say, as the traditional Chinese writing, painting tools, the use of ink element and into is reflected the visual effect of the typical Chinese culture lasting appeal. In the field of modern graphic packaging design, it with its special visual effects and rigorous typography and graphic form bright contrast, ink element has become extremely aesthetic implication of Chinese graphic design to show the Oriental symbols. More and more appear in the graphic packaging design work with Chinese element characteristics.
    Keywords: Ink element By replacing ink The song dynasty landscape painting
     摘要    2
     引言    4
    一、设计定位    4
    (一)研究的目的与意义    4
    (二)国内外研究的背景及发展情况    4
    1.国外发展情况    4
    2.国内发展情况    4
    (三)论文采用的研究方法与手段    5
    二、中国水墨元素的发展    5
    (一)中国水墨画的渊源    5
    (二)中国水墨元素的表现    6
    三、中国文房四宝的文化内涵    6
    四、中国水墨文化在文房四宝中的运用    6
    五、个人毕业设计分析说明    10
    优尔、总结说明    11
        致谢    11
        参考文献    11
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