    摘要:极简主义景观设计是上世纪60年代景观设计的代表。简约、整体、抽象便是其精髓。设计上合理利用自然环境和场地, 以及历史和文化底蕴的传承, 使得极简主义景观得到迅猛的发展。
      本文从极简主义 艺术的发展 开始入手, 研究极简主义艺 术的概念与内涵, 总结出极简主义艺 术的特点, 再通过对受到极 简主义艺术影响 的现代景观设计 深入研究, 找到有利于中国现 代景观设计的发展之路。对极简 主义艺术开创、形成与发展 进行总结概括, 有助于理 解它对景观产生影响的原因, 并更好的分析极简主义景 观的特征。
      本文重点对受到极简主义艺术影响的景 观领域的发展进行阐述。对在现代主义大环境下的 景观设计的发展做全面的概 括。并且对极简主义景观设计领 域中的代表人物和其作 品进行分析评价, 由此得出 极简主义景观设计的特征和未来发展方向。最后对受到极简 主义景观设计影响的中国 景观设计的现状进行分析, 对 中国现代景观设计的发展方向 进行展望。30594
    毕业论文关键词: 景观设计; 极简主义; 现代主义;
    The research of Minimalist style in the modern landscape design
    Abstract:Since 1960s, Minimalist landscape design has become the typical of landscape design. Simple,overall,abstract is its essence. Minimalist landscape design applies of natural environment and space, as well as to the inheritance of history and culture of and metaphor of time. So that minimalist landscape has been the rapid development.
      This thesis introduces minimalism by its development process and studies influence and development of minimalism art. The thesis finds the way which can improve the level of modern landscape design in China by through research of that minimalism affect the modern landscape design, in order to adapt to the development of modern society. The thesis summarizes the initiation, formation and development of minimalism, which is helpful to understand its reasons of effects on landscape design, and can better analyses natures of minimalist landscape.
      The thesis generalizes the development of modern landscape design which is context is modernism, and draws conclusion what are character and direction of minimalist landscape design from analyzing typical people and famous works of minimalist landscape design. In the end, the thesis analyses the current situation of Chinese modern landscape design for its development direction was discussed.
    Keywords: Landscape design; Minimalism; Modernism
     目  录
    一、现代景观设计中极简主义风格研究的现状 5
    二、现代景观设计中极简主义风格研究的意义 5
    三、极简主义与现代艺术. 5
     (一)极简主义的概念与内涵. 5
      1、极简主义的概念. 5
      2、极简主义的内涵. 6
     (二)极简主义艺术风格形成的背景. 6
    四、极简主义与现代景观设计. 6
     (一)现代景观设计的含义. 6
     (二)极简主义艺术对现代景观设计的影响. 6
    五、极简主义景观设计的风格特征. 7
     (一)注重景观的有机整体性. 7
     (二)强调景观空间的建筑化. 7
     (三)现代材料的运用和精细的构造追求. 8
     (四)抽象、简化形式的运用. 9
     (五)追求景观设计的自然造化性. 9
    优尔、极简丰义风格与中国当代景观设计 10
     (一)在极简主义影响下中国的景观设计. 10
       1、极简主义景观设计风格在中国的影响. 10
       2、中国景观设计面临的问题. 10
       3、极简主义景观设计对中国的启示. 10
    致  谢. 11
    参考文献. 12
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