     Zhenjiang Leisure Cultural Square Planning Design      
    Abstract: In recent years, with the development of economy and people's material level, the demand for culture is more and more stronger.City ,as an organic carrier, should actively seek the balance point between them, so that people can get better development in the public space.The square,as a broad site in the city, is the space for social activities like politically, economic, cultural and traffic organization.It plays a significant role for enriching the local culture.On the other hand, young people is an important part of our population constituent, the development of adolescents has attracted more and more attention. After all,the public service construction is very important.Cultural Square in order to achieve the cultural propaganda theme, integrate of city characteristics, leisure, entertainment, education in one,it can show the city characteristics, cultural elements,and integrate the ecological landscape at the same time.So,this planing design is located to make one culture square,except catering to people’ everyday needs,particularly,aiming to the adolescent though showing the youth culture. In this square,teenager can take exercises,get more chance to communicate with others and the nature.Further more,this planning design will follow the city cultural square principle,adhere to the philosophy of people-oriented.Also it adds the city culture,gets maximum effectiveness with highlighting the youth theme.This design will be scientific and logical.    Key words: Planning design; Zhenjiang Cultural Square;youth; youth culture
    引言    1
    1项目介绍    2
    1.1地理位置    2
    1.2自然概况    2
    1.3人文概况    2
    1.4场地现状    2
    2设计分析    3
    2.1设计定位    3
    2.2设计原则    4
    2.2.1以人为本原则    4
    2.2.2地方特色原则    4
    2.2.3效益兼顾原则    5
    2.2.4突出文化主题    5
    2.3总体规划设计    5
    2.3.1总平面规划设计    5
    2.3.2交通流线规划设计    7
    2.3.3景观结构规划设计    7
    2.3.4功能分区规划设计    8
    2.3.5水景设计分析    9
    2.4景点及景区特色分析    9
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