    摘要: 二十一世纪科技、 经济的飞速发展, 给人们的生活带来了无限的便捷与无限的可能。然而生活节奏地加快,生存压力地剧增也经常让人们感觉无法呼吸,不由得让人们羡慕古人的那种悠然自得的生活环境。 我们无法穿越时空回到古代, 但是我们可以将古人的文化,情调引入我们的生活。灯具,作为我们生活中不可或缺的产品,有着无法被取代的作用。当下, 设计师对于灯具的设计已经不再像从前那样只是为了解决照明问题,更加注重的是通过设计,将文化元素,符号元素,科学技术等相结合,以赋予灯具更多的情感。设计不再是单纯地解决功能需求,更多的是解决人们的情感需求。本产品的设计以日常生活中的灯具为主体,力求在解决灯具照明功能性的基础上,结合中国传统文化元素中的“月”以及现代智能的科学技术,让灯具不仅可以满足我们的照明需求,同时也让灯具更加智能,简单,人性化,满足我们的情感需求。产品的结构采用时下先进的模块化设计理念,将灯具划分成不同模块,每个模块都可以自由拆装组合,给用户带来了很大的便利。产品的造型仿生“月”的形态,使产品简洁的同时不失美感,并且充满了情趣。对于灯光的控制则采用了现代智能的传感器技术, 通过智能的系统来控制灯光的变换,营造出不同的氛围。39664
    Chinese traditional cultural elements of the "month" in Modernintelligent lighting design
    Abstracts: Twenty-first century the rapid development of science and technology, the economy, topeople's lives has brought unlimited convenience and unlimited possibilities. However, the accelerated paceof life, survival pressure surge can often make people feel unable to breathe, so that people could not helpadmire the kind of ancient leisurely living environment. We can not pass through time and space back toancient times, but we can be ancient culture, atmosphere into our lives. Lamps, as an integral part of our lifeproducts, has irreplaceable role. The moment, the designer for the lighting design is no longer business asusual, only to solve the lighting problem, more attention is by design, and cultural elements, symbolicelements, science and technology combine to give the lighting more emotional. Design is no longer a simplesolution to the functional requirements, more is to solve people's emotional needs.This product is designed to daily life as the main lighting, aimed at solving functional lighting based on thecombined elements of traditional Chinese culture in the "month" and modern intelligent science andtechnology, so that the lamp can not only meet our lighting needs , but also let the lamp more smart, simple,user-friendly, to meet our emotional needs. Structured products nowadays advanced modular design, thelamp will be pided into different modules, each module can be detachable combination, giving users a greatconvenience. Product modeling Bionic "month", the product simple and at the same time without losing thebeauty, and full of fun. For lighting control the use of modern intelligent sensor technology with intelligentlighting control system to transform, to create different atmosphere
    .Keywords: Lamps; traditional Chinese cultural elements; monthly; emotion; modular; intelligent
    绪论. 1
    1 设计调研. 2
    1.1 灯具的发展趋势 2
    1.2 灯具的整体分析 3
    1.2.1 灯具的材料分析. 4
    1.2.2 灯具的造型分析. 5
    1.2.3 灯具的色彩分析. 5
    1.2.4 情趣化分析. 5
    2 灯具设计的选题背景. 7
    2.1 市场上现有灯具展示 7
    2.2 市场上现有灯具分析 8
    3 设计定位. 9
    3.1 使用人群分析 9
    3.2 产品概念定位 9
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