    摘要:随着移动互联网、大数据、云计算、物联网的迅猛发展,针对我国雾霾天气越来越严重的情况,如何运用信息技术来减少雾霾对人身体的伤害将是一个值得所有人深思的问题。2014年 1月4日,国家减灾办、民政部发出通报首次将雾霾天气纳入自然灾情。随着科学技术高速发展,更多的关于雾霾的产品开始在市场上出现,然而现在市场上出现的空气质量检测仪都由于各种原因不能被广泛使用,更不能起到为人们身体“保驾护航”的作用。在设计本产品的过程中采用了资料查询法、头脑风暴法、用户访谈法等方法来探讨针对雾霾天气的应用产品。除此之外,对现有产品的利弊分析也是很有必要的 ,在明确了用户需求和现有产品的不足之后再来寻求创新点和突破点,依据情趣图、想象图、任务流程图等步骤制定出一套完善的空气质量检测仪方案。在此基础上,遵循简洁易用的原则,设计出个性化和人性化统一的产品。该产品及 APP的设计不仅实现了产品与软件的整合,并对未来健康安全产品设计具有重要的指导意义。39668
    The Innovation Design of Air Detector Abstract: As mobile Internet, big data and cloud computing, the rapid development of Internet, aiming at the condition of the fog weather in our country is more and more serious, how to use information technology to reduce smog damage to human body would be a worthy of everyone ponder question. On January 4, 2014, the national disaster reduction office, the ministry of civil affairs issued a report for the first time the fog haze weather in natural disasters. With the high-speed development of science and technology, more about the haze products began to appear on the market, But now in the market of air quality tester for various reasons can not be widely used, more can't play the role of the body "escort" for people  .In the design of data query method is adopted in the process of this product, brainstorming, user interviews and other methods to explore the applications of haze weather products. In addition, analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the existing products also is very be necessary, in clear user needs and the deficiency of the existing products and then to find innovative and breakthrough point, on the basis of interest figure, image, the flow chart of tasks such as steps to develop a set of perfect air quality tester. On this basis, follow the principle of simple and easy to use, and design the products unified with inpiduation and humanization. The products and the design of the APP is not only realized the products and software integration, and for the future design has important guiding significance to the health and safety products.
    Keywords: interaction design; user experience; air testing; fog weather
    摘要  ..  I
    Abstract    II
    目录   III
    第一章 前言   1
    1.1 研究背景  . 1
    1.2 研究的目的和意义  .. 2
    1.3 研究的现状和主要内容  . 3
    第二章 研究方法和技术路线  . 5
    2.1 研究方法  . 5
    2.1.1查询资料法   5
    2.1.2 跟踪调查法  .. 5
    2.1.3 结构图法  . 6
    2.1.4 用户访谈法  .. 5
    2.1.5 头脑风暴法  .. 6
    2.2 技术路线  . 6
    第三章 设计调查  .. 8
    3.1 用户需求分析   8
    3.1.1 用户群体  . 9
    3.1.2 对雾霾情况进行调研  .. 13
    3.1.3 用户访谈   14
    3.2 竞争产品分析  .. 15
    3.3 产品目标   17
    第四章 产品设计  . 19
    4.1 产品设计定位  .. 19
    4.1.1 产品理念   19
    4.1.2 产品设计原理  .. 20
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