    摘 要陈之佛的绘画成就,不但受中国传统文化因素的影响,而且深受时代的影响,蕴含新思想、新文化的绘画理念,又由于赴日留学,间接地受到世界其它民族文化的影响,这些影响因素相互融合使传统工笔画鸟发展到一个新的境界。通过对陈之佛工笔花鸟画形式语言的研究, 我们能够更好的丰富与发展当代工笔画的形式美感。该课题采用文献分析法和个案分析法,通过梳理陈之佛的生平及成就,并且结合其艺术作品的构图乱中求整、平中求奇,色彩艳而不俗、淡而不枯,肌理自然绚丽、浑然天成,线条简单干练、丰富生动,意境宁静淡泊、空旷寂寥,气象欣欣向荣、生机盎然这优尔个方面分析工笔花鸟的形式美感及其成因,最后阐明其当代影响。对此课题的研究,有利于我们对陈之佛的绘画风格和技巧表现有一个大体的了解,以及促进我们对工笔花鸟形式语言的感悟与认知,从而理论联系实践,使中国工笔花鸟画在形式语言方面开创新局面、谱写新华章。41256
    Chen Zhifo painting of flowers and birds in theform of beauty
    AbstractChen Zhifo painting achievement, not only because of the influence of Chinesetraditional cultural elements, and is under the influence of age, contains the conceptof new ideas, new culture of the painting, and because to Japan to study abroad,indirectly affected by other national culture of the world, these factors mutual fusionmake traditional claborate-style painting bird development to a new realm. Throughthe Chen Zhifo form traditional Chinese realistic painting flowers and birds paintinglanguage study, we can better enrich and develop contemporary claborate-stylepainting form aesthetic feeling. This subject adopts literature analysis and caseanalysis, through carding Chen Zhifo's life and achievements, and combine the art ofcomposition in chaos to the whole, and in the flat for, colourful and not common, paleand not dry, skin texture natural beautiful, like nature itself, vivid, simple line spellable, rich artistic conception quiet indifferent, empty lonely, weather is thriving,vibrant painting flower on the six aspects: the form of beauty and its reasons, finallyclarify the contemporary influence. This topic research, is helpful for us to ChenZhifo painting style and techniques in a general understanding, and promote ourtraditional Chinese realistic painting of flowers and birds in the form of languagecomprehension and cognition, so as to integrate theory with practice, to make a newsituation was created in China in the form of traditional Chinese realistic paintingflowers and birds painting language, compose the new spanning.
    Key Words:Chen Zhifo formal sense of beauty forming reason influence
    一 陈之佛生平及成就陈之佛(1896—1962年),别名陈杰、陈绍本,号雪翁,浙江余姚人,我国知名的美术教育家、工笔花鸟画家和工艺美术家。在八岁时,陈之佛被送入三山蒙学堂同时接受私塾教育和新式教育。辛亥革命前夜,在藏书浩繁的四叔祖的家馆中得到了几本精印的《芥子园画传》,激发了绘画兴趣。1916 年,陈之佛以优秀的成绩结业于浙江工业机织专业并留校任教。1918 年赴日留学,1923 年学成归国,到上海从事美术教育事业,1931 年,到南京大学中央艺术科任教,并下定决心挽救和复兴工笔花鸟,画出属于自己风格的工笔花鸟。此后,陈之佛的工笔花鸟作品以其宁静淡雅、意境悠远在该领域产生了巨大的反响。
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