    关键词:互联网 、智能技术、飞利浦灯具
    Application of intelligent technology in the display
    Abstract: With the wide application of the Internet and intelligent technology, display design stage has gradually deviated from its traditional way and brought great impact and shock to the real exhibition. Artificial intelligence technology to enable the display of goods is the change from static to dynamic. In the interactive aspects from the previous simple "objects" to the current "things" and "people". Intelligent technology using high technology means to mobilize people's visual, olfactory, tactile, auditory sense, participation is greatly improved the audience, the exhibition received good results.
    This paper describes the design of intelligent display technology of intelligent technology to convey in display design, discusses the way, intelligent technology innovation in the display design of the application of these three aspects to discuss, and the combination of "Philips Lighting" cases fully explain.
    Keywords: The Internet, intelligent technology, Philips Lighting
    引言    4
    一、绪论    4
    (一)研究的目的与意义    4
    (二)国内外研究的背景及发展    4
    (三)论文采用的研究方法与手段    4
    二、智能技术在展示设计中传达的方式    5
    (一) 智能技术在展示设计中的功能介绍    5
    (二)智能技术在展示设计中的特点    6
    三、智能技术在展示设计中传达的意义    6
    (一)促进沟通交流、推动文化建设    7
    (二)提升知名度、带动经济发展    7
    (三)提高招展效率,展示生动逼真    7
    四、智能技术在展示设计中的创新应用    8
    (一)动作采集在展示设计中的应用    8
    (二)全息技术在展示设计中的应用    8
    案例一:世博会中国馆《清明上河图》    8
    (三)多通道交互在展示设计中的应用    9
    案例二:常州动漫城嬉戏谷    9
    五、 智能技术在“飞利浦灯具”中的展示设计    10
    (一)智能照明    10
    (二) 整个展馆设计    10
    1. 设计说明    10
    2. 展馆介绍    10
    结语    13
    致谢    13
    参考文献    14
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