    Since the reform and opening-up policy,Chinese tourism have gotten great development.Tourism have been one of the major industries that promote the economy growth at present.However,the tourist souvenir which is the important part of tourist goods have been caught in development lag.So,it can’t satisfy the growing demands of tourists from domestic and oversea,It not only seriously affected the tourism’s overall economic benefits but also become the weak link in the process of tourism development.Tourism industry have paid more and more attention to the development of tourist souvenirs.The international and domestic research about tourist souvenirs are increasing,but the study in the viewpoint of Chinese traditional culture development is lacking.
    So,I chose the six dynasties ancient capital---Nanjing as an example to inquiry the tourist souvenir market situation.First of all,I reviewed the related studies of tourist souvenir development at home and abroad.After that through the way of questionnaire and on-the-spot investigation,analyses the current situation of the souvenirs’ development of Nanjing.It paid attention to expound the tourists’ demand for tourist souvenirs in the aspect of culture.Finally,combined with the tourist demand and according to the existence problems propose some suggestions under the perspective of Chinese traditional culture of Nanjing tourist souvenirs.
    Key words:Nanjing;traditional culture;tourist souvenir;exploit
    目  录
    第一章 绪 论    1
       1.1研究背景    1
    1.2研究目的和意义    1
    1.3研究内容    2
    1.4研究方法    2
    1.4.1文献综述法    2
    1.4.2问卷调查法    2
    第二章 相关理论    3
    2.1国内外研究现状综述    3
    2.1.1国外研究现状    3
    2.1.2国内研究现状    3
    2.2中国传统文化与旅游发展    4
    2.2.1传统文化    4
    2.2.2传统文化与旅游的关系     5
    2.3旅游纪念品介绍    5
    2.3.1旅游纪念品的定义    6
    2.3.2旅游纪念品的特征    6
    2.3.3旅游纪念品的分类    6
    第三章 南京旅游纪念品发展现状的调查与分析    8
    3.1问卷设计与发放    8
    3.2问卷分析    9
    3.2.1受访者对于南京传统特色旅游纪念品的认知情况    9
    3.2.2受访者对于旅游纪念品的了解渠道分析    10
    3.2.3游客对于纪念品的消费比例分析    11
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