

    毕业论文关键词:《曹全碑》;《甘谷汉简》;用笔方式 ;比较

    Comparison of "Cao Quan" and "the monument of Gangu Han Dynasty > pen


    Today most of the han Chinese mark is the eastern han dynasty last years of the calligraphy, emperor emperor and spirit dynasties inscription. These colorful han official script method works, each has its own characteristics, to a great extent, reflected the han nationalities in the period of the brilliant achievements, and its artistic style characteristic. Among these works 《Cao Quan tablet》 is a great influence on later generations of a work, it is famous for its magnificent round pen, smooth brushwork, pure and fresh and beautiful, detachment elegance, book wind and elegant, having a unique style, is the han Chinese method of work of the rare treasures. Known as "one of the big four slips" 《Gan Gu slips》 in the history of the development of the official script is a work of great significance, it not only inherited in writing prose the ancient meaning, artistically style and the jin tang period, even in the best calligraphy works of the whole development history, it still cannot be ignored, the importance of high value for the research work of calligraphy. Is given priority to with round pen 《Gan Gu slips》, smooth brushwork qing li, from engaging, kept neat, harmonious and unified. Contrast 《Gan Gu slips》 and 《Cao Quan tablet》 two works, the difference is more, but both have striking similarities in some part, brushwork are round pen, book wind is beautiful beautiful, pen has many forms, composition and structure, etc.

    Key  Words: 《Cao Quan Tablet》;  《Gan Gu slips》;  Pen way;  contrast

    目  录














     一  《曹全碑》与《甘谷汉简》简介




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