On Wonderful "Zhang Raptors tablet " of the guitar body
Zhang Raptors monument "overall outlook lively, steady-state character, which reflects all the Weibei regular script in common stocky strong male, and reveals the chic Toshihaya artistically under the influence of Southern calligraphy, by the structure of the" dangerous situation "performance the word tension, vigor and vitality. Its tightly closed in the palace on the guitar body, inside a compact external Choulan, put the left and right to close the guitar body, the word potential mostly take low right high left trend by emphasizing the role of writer, writer exaggerated role in the overall potential of the word so that the whole is constantly changing and not vulgar dull, has a unique personality. Interjection structure to fail, is not stiff, the overall layout of the sometimes lively and sometimes serious, the potential at the word rather steep standing. In the structure of white cloth on symmetry and harmony change interludes in which contrast with the word density on forming mixed scattered, the rules Lichtung opened, changing combinations, interspersed avoid unexpected.
Key Words: Wonderful Take the potential variable
目 录
一、取势 -1
二、奇变 --4
一 取势
在孙过庭《书谱》中也曾谈到:“至如初学分布,但求平正;既知平正,务追险绝。” 在书法上应追求最高境界的结构上的险绝,在险中求稳,是一种艺术与个性的体验,是气势与活力的体现,观楷书碑帖中难有把横平竖直写的四平八稳的,四平八稳方方正正的字看起来难免呆板,此碑便是”险绝”之风的代表之作,线条结构颇为出彩,字形态势出人意料,启功先生曾对该碑的结构提出了“三紧、三松”的特点,即为上紧下松、左紧右松、内紧外松的特征,通过这种变化使之不匀称不呆板,潇洒飘逸而又稳健自然。