    毕业论文关键词: 滨水绿地;景观设计;生态;和谐
    Riyuehuating,Zhuanqiao Town waterfront greenspace landscape designZHOU-LEI, HE-Kun(The school of ecological technology and engineering of Shanghai institute of technology)Abstract:Ecological Design of Urban Waterfront Planning is a major issue, and one of theresidential areas waterfront green space is part of the human life is most closely related to manyfactors, such as ecology, behavioral psychology, botany, aesthetics, economy science,literature ...... all its theoretical reference framework.Previous studies focused on theconstruction of urban landscape, this article according to reform Riyuehuating,Zhuanqiao Townwaterfront green space landscape ,from the residential area residents to their needs, thelandscape design of urban waterfront systematic study.How can design aims to combine theneeds of residents with a reasonable, fully taking into account the harmony between human andnature.Conclusion waterfront residence that is the most daily human contact open space,waterfront residential green design, in addition to humans provide a convenient andcomfortable venue close to nature outside, also should pay attention to the ecologicalimportance of the waterfront green residential area, only in compliance with the laws of naturalecological conditions, combined with aesthetic principles in order to design the ideal waterfrontgreen space, to achieve harmony between man and nature of the target.
    KeyWords:Waterfront green;Landscape design;Ecology;Harmonious

    目 录

    1 项目解读 1

    1.1 区位分析1

    1.2 规划分析1

    1.2.2 中观布局1

    1.2.3 微观格局2

    1.3 周边环境分析2

    1.4 自然条件分析2



    1.5 基地现状物质空间环境分析..2

    2 项目愿景..3

    2.1 设计理念3

    2.2 设计目的3

    2.3 设计原则3

    2.3.1 保持基址的整体性与连续性..3

    2.3.2 遵从基址的生态环境特征,减少人为干扰与破坏..3

    2.3.3 生态、景观、防洪等多功能兼顾.. 4

    2.3.4 以绿为主,生态优先 4

    3 总体设计..4

    3.1 总平面图4

    3.2 分区设计4

    3.2.1 主入口广场区.. 5

    3.2.2 文化展览区.5

    3.2.3 亲子游乐区.5

    3.2.4 茶室休闲区.. 5

    3.2.5 喷泉互动区.6

    3.2.6 亲水休闲区.6

    3.3 道路设计6

    3.3.1 主路6

    3.3.2 支路6

    3.4 绿化设计 6

    4 结束语 6


    参考文献 9
    1项目解读颛桥镇日月华庭处于颛桥镇中心区域,颛兴路666弄,总建筑面积达135130平方米,绿化率达40%。地理位置优越交通便捷,附近有地铁5号线,及多辆公交车;周围配套设施齐全,有多所学校:上海申通驾驶员教育培训部七部有限公司,紫江中学,闵行区刘诗昆音乐艺术幼儿园,闵行区颛桥镇幼儿园;医院及药店:闵行区颛桥镇卫生院,雷允上颛新药店,海王星辰药房颛盛路店, 海王星辰药房光华路, 国大药房华星店,雷允上颛华药房,雷允上颛兴路店,国大药房颛桥店;以及多所银行等。小区北接颛建路,东邻繁安路,南通颛兴路,西邻邱泾港,但周围居民并没有重视该小区滨水绿地,并且长期无人管理,几近荒芜,现需重新整改,为居民创造一个休闲舒适的绿色空间。

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