The informal interactive space in office space
Abstract:In the trend of information age,the development of economy and netwok is accelerating。The office space is flexible and the network increasingly closer, so as to promote the interactive space form office more abundant, more perfect functions。On the basis of material life, people began to pay attention to the pursuit and feelings on the spiritual level。At the early stage, office activity is just a particular place just to work。Nowadays, the office space gradually from the simple furniture standard evolved into interesting space for both innovative function。The designer also slowly emphasizes "humanity" as the focus, the functional design into the office space,extended to the interactive function area, small to furniture details。Pay more and more attention to the implementation of Functionalism。Comfort and leisure is not only suitable for families and places of entertainment。Many designers have long been a variety of entertainment elements into the office space。The office environment has undergone a qualitative change。The realization of humanistic care on the true meaning of interaction。
KeyWords:interaction;persification;humanization;efficiency;inspiration and innovation;
目 录
一、绪论 1
(一)办公空间的发展 1
1、办公空间日趋变化的形态 1
2、研究本次论题的意义 1
(二)非正式办公交互空间概述 …1
1、功能体现 2
(1)休闲娱乐功能 …2
(2)会客交往功能 …2
(3)餐饮聚会功能 …2
二、非正式办公交互空间的发展带来什么意义 5
(一)非正式交互空间的增加提供给我们的好处 …5
1、有效宣传公司形象与文化 5
2、促进员工的工作交流 …5
3、提供充分休息、提高工作效率 5
(二)非正式交互空间引发的问题与缺陷 5
1、降低正式工作区的空间利用率 …6
2、容易造成各企业宣传上的同质化 6
三、案例分析非正式办公交互空间的优劣性 7
(一)优点产生的原因 …8
1、现代工作压力引起的身心休息需求 …8
2、信息化时代的发展需要 …8
(二)缺点产生的原因及解决方法 8
四、结合本次设计分析非正式交互空间设计的合理性 …9
(一)非正式交互空间功能区的合理分布 9
(二)与正式工作区域的有效结合 9
(三)未来可能发展趋势的推断 …10
五、总结 …12
致谢 …13