    关键词 甜菊糖 植物提取 絮凝 甜菊苷 高效液相色谱Title Title Title Title E xtraction and analysis of stevioside in leaves of
    stevia rebaudiana
    Abstract Abstract Abstract Abstract
    Dry stevia leaf stems are used to examine how flocculation method,
    temperature, p H of solution and stirring time affect the flocculant
    efficiency, detecting with the two factors- the light transmission of crude
    extracts and loss rate of stevia (measured by stevioside) - as the
    references. I n this study, single-factor test shows the most suitable
    conditions for stevia flocculation: floccutant: the mixture of
    chlorination of iron and sodium hydroxide (sodium hydroxide to control pH);
    temperature:70 ℃ ; flocculant dosage: 5.5 mg/mL; pH : 5.0; stirring time: 10
    min. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) are used for the
    qualitative and quantitative analysis of stevioside (referred to as ST)
    in coarse stevia, and furtherly, the best chromatographic conditions for
    stevioside separation are examined. Chromatographic conditions adopted
    are as follows: mobile phase: methanol: water = 68:32(V:V); flow rate: 1
    mL/min; temperature of column: room temperature; injection volume: 10 μ L.
    DAD diode array detector can be a good method for both qualitative and
    quantitative analysis. In quantitative analysis, standard curve can help.
    K eyword stevia plant extraction stevioside flocculation HPLC
    目 目 目 目 次 次 次 次
    第一部分 引言  1
    1.1 甜菊苷概述 .. 1
    1.1.1 甜菊苷简介 . 1
    1.1.2 我国甜叶菊糖苷的生产状况  3
    1.1.3 甜菊糖苷的提纯的研究现状  4
    1.1.4 甜菊苷的分析研究现状 .. 5
    1.2 高效液相色谱仪概述 .. 6
    1.2.1 高效液相色谱法的分离机制及类型  6
    1.2.2 检测器的类型  8
    第二部分 实验部分 .. 10
    2.1 甜菊糖中甜菊苷的浸提 .. 10
    2.1.1 甜叶菊水提液的制备 . 10
    2.1.2 对甜菊粗液的絮凝处理  10
    2.2 高效液相色谱法对甜菊苷的定性、定量测定 .. 10
    2.2.1 实验原料及试剂  10
    2.2.2 实验仪器和设备  11
    2.2.3 实验方法和步骤  11
    2.2.4 结果与讨论 .. 13
    2.3 甜菊苷的絮凝工艺条件探索  19
    2.3.1 实验原料及试剂  19
    2.3.2 实验仪器和设备  19
    2.3.3 实验方法及步骤  20
    2.3.4 实验结果与讨论  21
    2.3.5 实验小结  24
    结 论 .. 25
    致 谢 .. 26
    参 考 文 献 . 27
    第一部分 第一部分 第一部分 第一部分 引言引言引言引言
    1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 甜菊苷概述 甜菊苷概述 甜菊苷概述 甜菊苷概述
    1.1.1 甜菊苷简介
    甜叶菊( Stevia Yebaudi - ana Bertoni ) 属于菊科,是多年生草本植物。甜叶菊
    糖是从甜叶菊叶片中提取出来的一种天然甜剂,其主要成分有杜尔可苷 A 、 杜
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