    关键词  模糊控制器  PID控制器  自整定  MATLAB  Simulink
    Title    Design of fuzzy self-tuning PID controller based on  MATLAB                        
    PID controller because of its excellent performance, has been widely used in the field of industrial control, but the conventional PID controller is a linear constant system, it is incapable of action for nonlinear and time-varying systems. We consider the fuzzy controller for the time-varying system and nonlinear system has good control performance, but the ability to eliminate the static error is lacking. Therefore, this paper will introduce the fuzzy self-tuning PID controller which combines fuzzy controller and PID controller, and then modeling, simulation analysis and comparison with conventional PID controller on the two order control system with time delay. The simulation results show that the fuzzy self-tuning PID controller for the two order system with time delay not only has more ideal control effect, but also has stronger anti-interference ability.
    Keywords  Fuzzy controller  PID controller  self-tuning  MATLAB Simulink
    1  绪论    1
        1.1  PID控制器的发展与使用现状    1
        1.2  模糊控制理论简介    1
        1.3  本论文研究的目的和主要内容    2
    2  控制器的基本原理    3
        2.1  常规PID控制器    3
        2.2  模糊控制器    5
        2.2.1  模糊控制理论    5
        2.2.2  模糊控制器基本组成    6
        2.2.3  模糊控制器设计的一般方法    7
        2.2.4  模糊PID控制器参数的在线自整定    10
    3  研究方案设计    12
        3.1  介绍被控对象    12
        3.2  设计步骤    12
        3.2.1  常规PID控制器的设计    12
        3.2.2  模糊PID控制器的设计    13
    4  MATLAB建模    14
        4.1  MATLAB 2012b简介    14
        4.2  常规PID控制器控制的建模    14
        4.3  模糊PID控制器控制的建模    16
        4.3.1  确定结构    16
        4.3.2  建立控制规则    16
        4.3.3  建立模型    21
    5  Simulink仿真    24
        5.1  常规PID控制器仿真结果    24
        5.2  模糊PID控制器仿真结果    27
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