    关键词    快速路系统    快速路出入口   普通城市道路  协调设计
    Title  Coordination of urban expressway with normal road traffic
    Coordination of urban expressway and ordinary road is one of the most effective ways to solve the problem of urban traffic,The problem of heavy traffic is more and more serious in recent years,Seriously affected the efficiency of road traffic,But for expressway and ordinary road coordination design research basically do not have,With the development of the city and the urban traffic demand rapid growth, the urban traffic problem has worsened, in order to solve the present situation of urban traffic problem we have to from the coordination of the road, to provide to meet the needs of urban rapid development of motor vehicle road network system. Construction of urban road network, improve the urban road system hierarchy, improve the service level of the whole urban traffic system, has become more and more cities are concern. n expressway and common way to coordinate the design process for expressway and urban roads system coordination problem consider not attentive, and thus brought a lot of traffic problems. Mainly displays in the expressway system with normal road traffic transformation, especially the intersection of expressway entrances and ordinary road coordinate design period of traffic congestion, traffic accidents occur frequently, form the transport bottlenecks. With the increasing of traffic demand, neck of traffic problem continuously into the surrounding road network, along with the traffic problems are more and more serious. Therefore, this thesis mainly studies of urban expressway and ordinary road coordination to explore the ways to solve the urban traffic problem.
    Keywords:Expressway system    Expressway entrance    Ordinary city road    Coordinate the design
    1  绪论    1
    1.1研究背景    1
    1.2现状分析    1
    1.2.1国内现状    1
    1.2.2国外现状    3
    1.2.3存在问题    3
    1.3研究目的及意义    5
    1.4研究的内容和技术路线    6
    1.4.1研究内容    6
    1.4.2技术路线图    6
    2  城市道路交通特性    7
    2.1静态特性分析    7
    2.1.1道路条件    8
    2.1.2道路沿线土地使用    8
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