    关键词  配电网  神经网络  统计线损  节能  优化
    Title    Theoretical analysis and research of distribution network line loss calculation and energy loss reduction strategy based on neural network
    The great improvement of our country's economy and society greatly changed the people’s approaches of lives, changing the face of our society. Nonetheless, in recent ten years, the whole world's energy dilemma is becoming more and more grievous. People have been using a great deal of fossil energy , which have given rise to dramatic changes in the daily weather and situation. China's per capita energy as a share rate bottom of the world living in developing countries, particularly have a need in haste to improve the work of energy protection.
    Distribution network is concatenated to the net of electric power transmission energy bridge between users. ANN is applied in the linear loss calculation and analysis of energy loss reduction strategies among distribution grid. Relying on a strong learning ability of neural networks and nonlinear data processing capabilities, to achieve a distribution network statistical calculation of the amount of line loss.  Finally received a significant power decrease effect.
    Keywords  Distribution network Neural Networks  Statistical line losses     Power Source Reduction         
    1  绪论1
    1.1  线损计算及节能降损的意义.1
    1.2  国内外研究现状.2
    1.3  本论文的主要研究内容.2
    2  配电网理论线损计算4
    2.1  理论线损的定义及分类.4
    2.2  需要收集的资料信息.5
    2.3  理论线损计算的常规方式.6
    2.4  本章小结.8
    3  配电网节能降损措施10
    3.1  管理措施.10
    3.2  技术措施.10
    3.3  本章小结.16
    4  人工神经网络(ANN)的研究17
    4.1  人工神经网络简介.17
    4.2  BP神经网络模型17
    4.3  霍费尔德神经网络模型.19
    4.4  本章小结.21
    5  基于ANN算法的线损计量22
    5.1  输入、输出数据的选择.22
    5.2  BP网络结构参数的选择23
    5.3  网络训练仿真.33
    5.4  预测结果分析.39
    5.5  本章小结 .40
    6  基于霍费尔德神经网络的配电网节能降损措施41
    6.1  配电网结构的简化.41
    6.2  基于霍费尔德网络的配网重构技术.42
    6.3  基于霍费尔德网络的无功优化技术.48
    6.4  本章小结.49
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