关键词 电动汽车,谐波,负荷,电网,电力系统,V2G
Title the study of the impact of large-scale electric vehicle charging on distribution network
With the popularity of electric vehicles, large-scale electric vehicle charging no doubt will have some impact on the grid. Electric vehicle charging device similar to power electronic converters, it will produce harmonics when connected to the grid, it will become a load connected to the grid either. Grid stability is relative to the business and residential electricity, it makes a difference to the development and production. Therefore, this article will focus on the impact of electric vehicle charging on distribution network, and explore some of the load distribution countermeasures.
Electric vehicles connect to the grid as a load, it also produce harmonics. Large-scale electric vehicle charging leads to great harmonics. This article will first analyze the harmonic formed by electric vehicles using matlab modeling and use Monte Carlo methods to calculate the daily load curve of electric vehicles. According to which, we can guide the cars charging avoiding the load peak. With the popularity of the using and development of electric vehicles and V2G technology, Electric cars will drive the development of the economic and environment, while meeting the requirements of sustainable development.
Keywords Electric cars, harmonic, load, Grid, power systems, V2G
目 次
1 引言 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外发展现状 1
1.3 论文主要工作 3
2 电动汽车充电造成的谐波 5
2.1 充电机类型 5
2.2 充电机模型 6
2.3 电网-充电站模型 7
2.4 本章小结 17
3 电动汽车接入电网形成的负荷 18
3.1 电动汽车充电站结构以及负荷分类 18
3.2 充电机负荷模型 18
3.3 影响电动汽车负荷因素 19
3.3.1 电动汽车发展状况 19
3.3.2 电动汽车充电方式 20
3.3.3 电动汽车充电频率 20
3.3.4 电动汽车使用情况 21
3.3.5 电池特性 22
3.4 大量电动汽车接入电网的负荷模型 22
3.5 蒙特卡洛方法计算电动汽车充电负荷 23
3.6 电动汽车充电对电网的调峰填谷作用 29
3.7 本章小结 31
4 V2G技术 33
4.1 V2G技术(Vehicle-to-grid) 33
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