    本文首先根据历史数据用 BP 神经网络预测出测风塔处的风速,再进一步考虑地形因素的影响,用CFD软件对风电场风流进行数值模拟,计算出各风机轮毂高度处的风加速因数和水平偏差等数据,然后结合风速数据用 MATLAB软件编程求出各风机轮毂高度处的风速,再根据风力发电机的功率曲线算出预测功率。提出了考虑地形影响的短期风电功率预测方法。  19419
    关键词  风电功率   预测   BP 神经网络   CFD软件   MATLAB
    Title   short-term wind power prediction methods considering
    the influence of terrain   
    Wind is a resource of strong random and intermittent, with a lot of wind
    power joining the grid.  It is bound to endanger the security and stability
    of the power system. Besides, it will cause worse power quality. To predict
    the power output of wind farms can not only reduce the impact of wind power
    on the grid, improve security and stability of the power grid operation,
    it can also help electric power dispatching departments adjust the
    scheduling scheme based on wind power changes in order to keep the balance
    between supply and demand Meanwhile, the system spare capacity and
    operating costs are reduced.
    First, this thesis predicts the wind speed with the method of BP neural
    network according to historical data, and uses CFD software to simulate
    the numerical operation of farm Merry when further taking the impact of
    terrain into consideration. The acceleration factor and the level bias and
    other data of each fan hub heigh are got .Second, combined with  wind speed,
    the wind speed of each fan hub heigh are calculated by MATLAB software
    programming. Finally, the predicted power are estimated according to the
    power curve of the wind turbine so that to propose short-term wind power
    prediction methods considering the influence of terrain.
    Keywords    Wind power    forecasting    BP neural network   CFD  software  MATLAB
     目  录 
    1  绪论   1
    1.1  课题研究的背景和意义   1
    1.2  风电功率预测方法简介   1
    1.3  国内外研究现状 ·  3
    1.4  本文的主要工作 ·  4
    2  风资源参数介绍 ·  5
    2.1  风速   5
    2.2  风向   5
    2.3  粗糙度 ·  6
    3  预测原理   7
    3.1  预测方法简介   7
    3.2  神经网络模型   8
    3.3  CFD 软件数值模拟    9
    4  BP神经网络预测风速和风向  ·  11
    4.1  建立预测模型 ·  11
    4.2  数据预测及误差分析   11
    5  CFD 软件数值模拟 ·  13
    5.1  地形变化和地表粗糙度建模 ·  13
    5.2  数值模拟 ·  15
    5.3  模拟结果分析 ·  17
    6  风电场功率预测   19
    6.1  预测方法 ·  19
    6.2  功率预测 ·  19
    结论  ·  22
    致谢  ·  23
    参考文献  ·  24
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