    摘要:    随着全国人民水平以及科技的高速发展,监控系统在生产和生活中起着越来越大的作用,几乎随处可见监控设备,如视频监控、远程监控等。已然在人们生活中变成了一道必不可缺少的安全保护屏障。
    本设计是以ARM7的LPC2138为芯片以uC/OS-II为操作系统的多路监控系统。    本设计可以对16路信号进行选择性监控,并且监控的信息都将反应在LCD显示屏上,而uC/OS-II是实操作系统能有效的及时将监控到的信息反应,并做出不同的提示。
    整体设计是在Proteus进行系统仿真,用Keil uVision4进行系统开发,硬件除了LPC2138芯片,还包括LM4229LCD为显示器,MKP1 KEYPAD-4*4小键盘用来设置信号。软件部分使用任务化设计以使程序结构更加清晰,修改简单,可读性强。整个软件部分采用如下任务:检测扫描任务、显示任务和信号设置任务。19859
    关键词:    uC/OS-II;监控系统;LPC2138
    The Development of Monitoring System Based on the ARM7 and uC/OS - II
    Abstract:      As standard and the rapid development of science and technology, the national people's monitoring system in the production and plays a more and more important role in life, almost everywhere monitoring devices, such as video monitoring, remote monitoring, etc. Already in people's life into a less essential safety protection barrier.
    This design is based on the ARM7 LPC2138 chip based on uC/OS - II multi-channel monitoring system of the operating system. This design can be selectively monitoring signals of 16 roads, and monitoring information will react on the LCD screen, the real operating system uC/OS - II is effectively in a timely manner will monitor the information response, and make a different.
        The overall design was conducted in Proteus simulation, using Keil uVision4 system development, in addition to hardware LPC2138 chip, also includes LM4229LCD for display, MKP1 KEYPAD - 4 * 4 KEYPAD used to set the signal. Software part USES the task design in order to make the program structure is clear, simple modification, readable. The whole software part adopts the following tasks: to test scan tasks, according to the task and the signal set tasks.
    Keywords:    uC/OS-II;  The monitoring system;  LPC2138
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    研究背景及其目的    1
    1.2    数字化监控的现状    1
    1.3    数字监控产品的发展趋势    3
    2    系统总体设计    5
    2.1    监控系统的整体设计    5
    2.2    嵌入式系统    6
    2.2.1    嵌入式系统定义、特征及发展趋势    6
    2.2.2    嵌入式处理器    8
    2.2.3    嵌入式操作系统    9
    2.2.4    uC/OS-II操作系统    9
    2.3    软件编程语言选择    11
    2.4    开发编译环境    11
    2.4.1    发展历程    11
    2.4.2    特征功能    12
    2.5    硬件开发平台    12
    3    硬件设计    13
    3.1    设计思路    13
    3.2    LPC2138芯片介绍    13
    3.2.1    LPC2138主要性能    14
    3.2.2    LPC2138的应用    14
    3.3    芯片4067    15
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