    The research and design of an automatic device of cleaning window for high-building residents
    For high-building glass wash in china and abroad are mainly composed of artificial form.This not only wastes a large amount of manpower,  but also with the frequent accidents in recent years, therefore, window problem of high-building user is also more and more importance by watching.It is quite necessary to study and design the device of cleaning window device.The topic can help us to deal with problem of cleaning windows in our life better.
    In this paper, automatic clean Windows device is an ordinary domestic households, with electric window device, main wipe the casement Windows.In this paper, we study the advantages of window wiper is mainly to wipe the outer edge of the glass, do not need to people standing on the window sill to wipe, ensures the safety of the people, to avoid falling accident; At the same time, don't need people to manipulate the clean Windows device, reduce the physical labor, it can wipe a complete piece of glass, convenient and easy to operate.
    In this paper, the window unit of motor system, the adsorption system, cleaning system, wheel legged mobile and device characteristics in the system in-depth research, and the adsorption system, cleaning system, mobile systems such as to make relevant design.
    Keywords: Clean Windows device; Adsorption system; Cleaning operations; Research
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1  课题研究背景    1
      1.2  课题研究目的和意义......2
    2    国内外现有技术综述    3
    2.1  擦窗装置研究综述    3
    2.2  轮腿式移动的研究综述    5
    2.3  清洗技术的研究综述    8
    2.4  装置运动特性研究综述    11
    3    实现装置的技术研究    13
    4    自动擦窗装置的实现方案设计    15
    4.1    吸附装置    15
    4.2    清洗装置    19
    4.2    电机驱动器设计    21
    5    分析与结论    26
    6    工作小结    27
    致谢    28
    参考文献    29
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