    Design of induction heating power
    Abstract:The Induction heating power supply has good controllability, high speed, high heating efficiency advantages. It’s easy to implement mechanization and automation and easy to realize the advantages of high temperature and local heating. It has been widely applied in the heat, quenching, metal melting, bending, welding, casting, surface treatment and other industries.
    The paper has discussed the induction heating characteristics and analyzed it’s development Status and Trends. This article has been ready to design a 20KW induction heating power on the basis of this study, study its control method, and for future studies of high-power ultra-audio frequency induction heating power basis. The circuit uses three-phase bridge rectifier circuit full-controlled rectifier circuit , the circuit structure is simple, easy to implement features. The control circuit uses double-loop feedback system, which has the advantage that the signal is not delayed.
    Keywords: Induction heating;PWM;Inverter;Control and protection circuit;Phase-Locked Loop
    目  录
    第一章 绪论    1
    1.1感应加热原理    1
    1.2 感应加热的特点    2
    1.3 感应加热工频与厚度关系    2
    1.4 感应加热电源现状及发展趋势    4
    1.5 研究感应加热的目的及内容    5
    第二章 感应加热电源基本结构及控制方式    6
    2.1感应加热电源基本结构    6
    2.2 主电路拓扑分析    7
    2.2.1串联谐振逆变器    7
    2.2.2并联谐振逆变器    8
    2.2.3两种逆变器比较    8
    2.3功率控制方式    9
    2.3.1直流调压调功    9
    2.3.2逆变调功    10
    2.4频率跟踪及锁相环原理    12
    2.5 感应加热负载分析    13
    2.5.1 负载等效电路    13
    2.5.2 串联谐振电路    15
    2.5.3 并联谐振电路    17
    2.5.4 谐振频率变化分析    17
    第三章 感应加热电路参数计算及选择    19
    3.1感应加热电源功率选取    19
    3.2 整流桥选择    20
    3.3 整流管电流选择    20
    3.4 滤波电容选择    21
    3.4.1 输入滤波电容工作电压计算    21
    3.4.2滤波电容容量Ci计算    21
    3.5 逆变开关选择    22
    3.6 谐振电路参数计算    23
    第四章 控制电路设计    24
    4.1 PWM控制芯片UC3895介绍    24
    4.2 UC3895管脚说明    25
    4.3 控制电路设计    26
    第五章 驱动电路设计    28
    5.1 驱动方式简介    28
    5.2 IR2110驱动设计    28
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