毕业论文关键词 自动驾驶仪 增益调度法 回路法 待定系数法
Title The design of the autopilot based on the adaptive control of gain scheduling
Abstract Autopilot is the control loop of missiles。 This thesis mainly discussed how to design the longitudinal control loop of the autopilot。 The structure of three-loop with pseudo-angle of attack feedback is adopted to design the longitudinal control loop。 The control loop is obtained by building the model of the missile and by the means of linearization。 The control parameters are designed and selected based on the classical control theory and the adaptive control theory of gain scheduling。 Looping method, a method to design the longitudinal control loop from inner loop to outer loop, is introduced firstly。 Principal design index is frequency domain index, as the aiding methods are root locus method。 The undetermined coefficients method is emphatically discussed after the loop method。 By giving a transfer function at the beginning of the design, the control parameters are designed from the outer loop to the inner loop。 Finally, the influence of the introduction of steering gear on the stability of the system is discussed, and the results are analyzed by simulation。
Keywords: autopilot gain scheduling looping method undetermined coefficients method steering gear
目 录
1 绪论 1
1。1 研究背景 1源-于Y优+尔-论.文:网www.youerw.com 原文+QQ7520^18766
2。1 常用坐标系与角度的定义 3
2。2 坐标系之间的转换 5
2。3 导弹运动方程 5
2。3。1 动力学方程 6
2。3。2 运动学方程 7
2。3。3 几何关系方程 8
3 飞行参数设置和俯仰回路的自动驾驶仪结构 8
3。1 概述 8
3。2 飞行参数设置 8
3。3 俯仰回路自动驾驶仪的结构 9
4 自动驾驶仪的设计方法 12
4。1 概述 12
4。2 回路设计法 12
4。3 待定系数法 14
4。4 舵机的加入对俯仰控制回路的影响 17
5 总结