    LED lighting control system based on CAN bus
    Intelligent Lighting Control System Based on CAN Bus is the application and popularization of automation technology in the field of lighting control. In order to achieve optimal architectural lighting distributed control, architectural lighting intelligent control system based on CAN bus has been analyzed and explored. The system achieves the effect which system based on CAN bus adapt to relatively concentrated group of buildings and the planning and design of the construction body needs intelligent lighting control. It conforms to architectural lighting intelligent, network-based, scientific management, the direction of development of the green and energy saving policy. The application and development prospects of this system are very broad. CAN-bus, which is one of Field-buses, has advantages in high reliability and low cost so as to it has been used largely in many fields. The dissertation discussed the application of CAN-bus in illumination control, analyzed the system construction of the distributed intelligent control based on CAN-bus, designed an experiment system of intelligent illumination control system based on CAN-bus. System hardware parts adopts microcontroller STC15F2K60S2, controller SJA1000, TJA1050 transceiver as core chip in this paper, designed of intelligent relay nodes. In the software section, the system use self-defined CAN-bus application layer communication protocols, programming in C language, to implement the bus node communication function. The system has the following functions:
    (1)The system uses a multi-level network structure, networking control object. In the lower, the system makes use of safe and reliable field bus technology to achieve acquisition and control transmission. In the upper, to meet the more open connectivity needs, network bus connects with the CAN, facilitating remote monitoring and sharing of network resources.
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