    摘要研究开发一套基于MEMS传感器网络的监测系统,实现对老年人的姿态监测。系统由三个监测节点、一个与上位机通信节点和上位机组成。通过必要的程序、算法辅助实现相应监测功能。每个监测节点包含一块ADXL345芯片、STM32芯片和一块CC2430芯片。三轴加速度计ADXL345将检测到的加速度信息传输至STM32再转发至CC2430 。然后通过基于Zigbbe技术的射频模块发射。上位机通信节点主要由一块CC2430芯片组成,它的作用是接收射频信号,然后通过PL2303(USB转串口模块)传输至PC上位机。在PC上位机上通过MATLAB和C进行数据分析处理和算法编程,实现人体平躺、坐姿、站姿、行走、起立、跌倒等日常姿态的识别,并在发生跌倒时进行报警。21692
    关键词  三轴加速度计  姿态监测  STM32  Zigbbe技术
    Title  A daily living activity monitoring system for the eldely based on MEMS sensor networks                    
    Develop a set of monitoring system based on MEMS sensor networks to monitor the activity of the elderly. Mornitoring system consist of three monitoring nodes, a communication node with the sever computer,and the server computer. With the necessary procedures and algorithms ,the corresponding monitoring function will act. Else, each monitoring node contains a piece of ADXL345 chip, STM32 chip and a piece of CC2430 chip. The three-axis accelerometer ADXL345 transmit the information to STM32 and again to CC2430. Then send out the information through the RF part based on the Zigbbe technology. The communication node with the server computer is mainly composed of a piece of CC2430 chip , it serves as the RF signal receiver,and transmit the information to the server computer by the PL2303(USB to serial module).On the server computer ,using MATLAB and C to process those data to identify those daily living activities ,such as lying down, seating, standing, walking, standing up,falls etc. 
    Keywords  Three-axis accelerometer  Sposture monitoring  STM32  Zigbbe technology
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  研究背景及意义    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状    2
    1.3  研究内容    4
    2  系统总体设计    4
    3  硬件电路设计    5
    3.1  数据采集节点电路设计    5
    3.1.1  加速度信号检测电路设计    5
    3.1.2  调试下载电路设计    8
    3.1.3  数据采集节点总体电路    9
    3.2  与上位机通信节点电路设计    11
    3.2.1  Debug调试接口设计    11
    3.2.2  与STM32通信电路设计    12
    3.2.3  天线的选择    12
    3.3  数据采集节点和与上位机通信节点PCB设计    13
    3.3.1  PCB 电源布线和接地设计    13
    3.3.2  Balun微带线设计    15
    4  通信程序设计    16
    4.1  ADXL345与STM32通信程序设计    16
    4.2  基于STM32的CC2430点对点通信    18
    4.3  关于跌倒的检测    19
    5  实验和算法设计    21
    5.1  MEMS惯性传感器标记点的布置和优化    22
    5.2  数据采集实验    22
    5.3  实验数据分析处理和算法设计    23
    5.3.1  观察分析实验数据    23
    5.3.2  算法设计    25
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