    关键词  火灾探测报警  CAN总线 传感器
    Title       The Design of Fire Detection and Alarm Module  based on CAN Bus                                         
    With the development of society and economy, the urbanization process , the continuous improvement of living standards ,place where people live, work are more concentrated,therefore the implications of risk of fire hazards is also growing on people's lives property security. Fire detection alarm technology are getting more and more attention.
    This system is composed by single-chip system module, CAN bus communication module,sensor module,alarm module. STC89C52 used mainly as MCU,while CAN controller SJA1000 and transceiver TJA1050 are chosen to form CAN communication module.Sensor module is pided into smoke sensors and temperature sensors,temperature sensor DS18B20, smoke sensor MQ-2. Since  sensor can capture only analog signal from fire place ,we should set A / D conversion functions to transform analog signal into digital signal.
    This paper aims to study the design of the structure of CAN-bus-based fire detection and alarm modules which is simple and easy to use . Research and commissioning results show that the system initially to meet the design requirements, and have some prospects in practical applications.
    Keywords  Fire Detection and Alarm  CAN Bus  Sensor
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  论文研究背景及意义    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状及发展趋势    2
    1.3  CAN总线的简介    3
    1.4  本文主要研究内容及工作安排    4
    2  系统的总体设计    5
    2.1  系统概述    5
    2.2  系统设计主要器件选择    5
    3  系统的硬件设计    11
    3.1  CAN控制模块电路设计    11
    3.2  CAN通信电路设计    11
    3.3  温度传感器    13
    3.4  烟雾传感器    14
    3.5  蜂鸣器    16
    4  系统的软件设计    18
    4.1  CAN技术规范    18
    4.2  对CAN控制器的初始化    21
    4.3  信号发送模块设计    22
    4.4  信号接收模块设计    23
    4.5  温度传感器软件设计    24
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