    毕业论文关键词: 实验设计;神经网络;建模预测;误差
    The research of Neural Network theory based on The experiment design
    Abstract:Neural network has a broad and attractive prospects in system identification, pattern recognition, intelligent control and other fields, and the neural network is regarded as one of the keys to solve the adaptability of controllers in the automatic control to the problem. At the same time, design of experiment (DOE) has been widely used to improve, from the aerospace industry to the general manufacturing industry product quality and process optimization and has been applied to the medical profession. According to the actual demand, discrimination and selection of different types of experimental design, experimental design steps you, find out how to control the effects of various factors, with minimal investment, for maximum benefits, so that product quality can be improved, process optimization.
    The design of a connection between the two, this article first selected for the experimental design method was studied, the experimental design method in combination with the now industrial, manufacturing, medicine and other widely used: Latin hypercube experiment design, orthogonal design and uniform design of experiment method, the data sample selection. First, find out the influence of the factors on the test samples, the least number of sample data, obtained the optimal experimental design, in order to compare different selected modeling error of the sample, data sample size the same, modeling the selected data samples for the BP neural network. For the establishment of neural network training function, error comparison on the same neural network modeling function of the different experimental design method of the selected data, so the neural network training function to choose the same function for training, and use the same training error, display the results of the cycle, the maximum number of iterations, the learning rate, number of training, the neural network training performance curve of different data samples, comparing the error rate, finally draws the conclusion, by using an optimization for the screening of neural network modeling and data.
    KeyWords : the experiment design; neural network theory; modeling prediction;error
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