Design of Asynchronous Motor system Controlled with Slip Frequency
Abstract:In recent years, ac motor frequency control of motor speed and its related technology research has become an important topic in the field of modern electric drive, and as the new power electronic devices and the launch of the microprocessor and the development of control theory of ac motor,ac frequency conversion speed regulation technology has much more room for progress.Slip frequency control of induction motor speed control system performance is a better control strategy, it can almost get good static and dynamic performance as dc motor, and its structure is not complicated. So the slip frequency control of asynchronous motor speed regulation has become the important teaching contents in electric drive.
In this paper, based on MATLAB counter rotating difference frequency control of induction motor speed control system to carry on the design and simulation research. First the basic concept of counter rotating difference frequency control technology, control law, etc. After analyzed the slip frequency control of induction motor speed control system structure, and in the Matlab/Simulink environment, build simulation model of the system, and detailed sub modules of control system is introduced in this paper. Through the simulation test on the system debugging, and finally to summarize the results of simulation analysis. Simulation results show that the slip frequency control of speed control system has good control performance.
Keywords: slip frequency;AC variable speed;vector control;PWM;simulation
摘要 I
Abstract II
1绪论 1
1.1现代交流调速技术 1
1.1.1 现代交流调速技术的发展 2
1.1.2 交流调速的国内外现状 4
1.1.3现代交流调速系统的类型 4
1.1.4交流调速系统的发展趋势 5
1.2相关技术 5
1.3设计的主要内容 6
2系统设计的理论基础 6
2.1 转差频率控制 6
2.1.1 转差频率控制的基本概念 6
2.1.2 转差频率控制的控制规律 8
2.2 PWM调制技术 10
2.3 异步电机的三相数学模型 11
2.4 矢量控制技术 12
2.4.1 坐标变换 13
3 转差频率控制的异步电机调速系统设计 14
3.1转差频率矢量控制调速系统的工作原理 14
3.2系统主电路 17
3.2.1 SPWM电压型逆变器 17
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