    关键词  纯方位  可观测性  Gram矩阵  统计特性  蒙特卡洛
    Title    The Statistical Property Analysis of Underwater  Bearings-Only System’s Gram Matrix            
    Bearings-only Target motion analysis (BOTMA) originates from hydro acoustic passive sensor observation system. The fundamental problem is to estimate the target motion parameters using bearings-only measurements. The main features of bearings-only system are its nonlinearity and observability. To formally characterize the conditions required for observability, an analytic expression for the observability criteria of BOTMA is derived.This dissertation presents some discuss with respect to BOTMA observability. The main contents are stated as follows. (1) The analytic expression of Gram matrix (GM) determinant is derived by linearizing the measurement equation, and a sufficient and necessary condition for observability of bearings-only system is then obtained. According to the condition, a bearings-only system is observable if and only if there exist four bearings of which the observability discriminant equation is not equal to zero. (2) This part mainly studies the monte carlo sampling and analyzes  the statistical property of observability gram matrix. Suppose under an constant velocity motion target and a piecewise line motion observer, the determinants, eigenvalues and conditions of GM are analyzed using the monte carlo method.
    Keywords  Bearings-only  Observability  Gram matrix  Statistical property  Monte Carlo
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题研究背景及意义    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状    1
    1.3  课题研究内容及思路    3
    1.4  论文结构安排    4
    2  BOTMA基础    6
    2.1  概述    6
    2.2  BOTMA的数学模型    6
    2.3  BOTMA的研究内容    10
    2.4  BOTMA可观测性研究基础    10
    2.5  小结    11
    3  水下纯方位系统的可观测性判据    12
    3.1  概述    12
    3.2  CV目标可观测性Gram判别矩阵    12
    3.3  可观测判别式    13
    3.4  可观测性定理    16
    3.5  蒙特卡洛抽样思想    18
    3.6  小结    19
    4  观测器折线运动可观测性Gram判别矩阵特性仿真分析    20
    4.1  概述    20
    4.2  可观测性Gram判别矩阵特征参数    20
    4.3  系统仿真数值参数    21
    4.4  观测站匀速直线运动Gram矩阵特征参数统计特性数值仿真    21
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